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THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE (VOLUME UP!) As President Trump Walks Out For Town Hall!

The roar of the crowd was ABSOLUTELY THUNDEROUS as President Trump made his entrance to the Fox News town hall event, hosted by Sean Hannity.

VOLUME UP!  The energy at this place was ELECTRIC like this the entire time!

And check out this awesome camera angle as he ducks through the curtain and takes in the ENERGY of the crowd for the first time.  (This is just a really cool “behind the scenes” camera shot!  Had to share it!)

And I have to agree with Bo Loudon who posted that to; Kamala only WISHES she could have support like that!

Heck — I bet she’d PAY for it!  (Inside joke for those who have been following all the reports that she is doing JUST THAT – trying desperately to PAY for support!  And in a lot of instances… getting turned down!)

Not so with President Trump.  This isn’t the kind of energy that comes from paying people to do a soundbite.  Do you realize Kamala has been busing people in for her events, just trying to fill seats?  And THIS is what happens at a town hall event?  Do you realize — this isn’t even a Trump RALLY???  This is just a town hall event!  And still the crowd is more excited than at most big sporting events!

But let me tell you — they covered some ground in this discussion.  And I have to point out, I didn’t see President Trump consulting any notes at any point during the discussion.  It was almost as if he actually knew and understood the issues! (Maybe that’s why President Trump isn’t AFRAID of the camera’s or interviews… but actually welcomes them — because he doesn’t have to hide his incompetence? That’s exactly why, if you ask me.)

Let’s get a little context from Fox News on what this was all about:

The Sean Hannity-moderated prime-time event is being held at the New Holland Arena in Harrisburg, the capital city of the key battleground state in the race between Republican nominee Trump and Democrat nominee Vice President Harris.

“Sixty-seven days from now, we’re going to win Pennsylvania,” the former president declared.

Pennsylvania is arguably the most important of seven swing states that decided the 2020 election between Trump and Biden and that both campaigns see as the states that will determine the outcome of the 2024 presidential showdown.

“It’s the one state that it’s hard to see someone losing and then still winning the presidential race,” Pittsburgh-based longtime Republican national strategist and ad maker Mark Harris told Fox News. “It’s clearly ground zero.”

“You can see that in media reservations and in the candidates’ travel schedules,” he said. “Clearly the Trump campaign and the Harris camp believe this is a must-win situation.”

Mike Butler, a Pittsburgh-based Democrat consultant, told Fox News that when it comes to the White House race, “I don’t think any other state quite swings the needle as much as Pennsylvania.”

So both campaigns are digging in to that Pennsylvania ground, knowing in November it will really count!  Not to mention that fast-approaching debate to be held in Pennsylvania, less than a week away!

At one point in the conversation Hannity referenced the horrendous school shooting in Georgia that happened earlier in the day, and President Trump’s response was covered in another Fox News report:

“It’s a sick and angry world for a lot of reasons and we’re going to make it better. We’re going to heal our world. We’re going to get rid of all these wars that are starting all over the place because of incompetence,” Trump said Wednesday from the New Holland Arena in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

That issue of incompetence that President Trump hit on has been a big sticking point with all the “former” democrats who have been coming out of the woodwork for President Trump lately.

One of the primary responsibilities of a U.S. President is to keep American’s safe.  The incompetence that we’ve seen in the White House for the last 4 years has accomplished the exact opposite — we have never been closer to a true global conflict in our lifetime.  The conversation turned that direction, in fact.  Watch this:

In terms of nuclear war, it is incredibly reassuring to hear the man who will, hopefully again soon, occupy the role of Commander in Chief, speaking so soberly about the issue.

He did not pretend the possibility of a nuclear exchange was preposterous, but neither did he treat it as a foregone conclusion – which is exactly what it feels like we are being led to accept by the current administration and the mainstream media, depending on which day of the week it is.  (Meaning THEY don’t have anything remotely resembling a handle on the situation.)

And the fact that it seems almost a point of policy among progressives to avoid naming the enemies of the United States, or identifying the common aspects of those enemies… is both despicable, and dangerous.  With the world where it is now, things are dangerous enough without inviting worse by proving to our adversaries time and time again that we are weak.

I tend to agree with Roosevelt’s “Speak softly…” proverb.  But if you’ve been walking around without the “big stick” that’s supposed to go along with your soft words, and all your enemies know you don’t REALLY have any fight in you — well, first you need to get a big stick!  But you might need to speak less softly for awhile, too.

I see President Trump bringing both to the table, just when they are needed the most.

The discussion wasn’t all serious.  At one point… well, let me just show you:

Hannity actually pretended to end the event right then and there, with about the same short length of footage that CNN actually released of their “interview” (if you can call it that) with Kamala Harris and Timothy Walz.  I love how the crowd was quick to catch what Hannity was trying to pull!  From the footage, I think everyone in that crowd was on the “inside” of that INSIDE joke!

The conversation eventually turned to borders.  Here’s more from Fox News on that:

“They want open borders,” Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity in a town hall event on Wednesday night. “She wants open borders. Now she’s all of a sudden said, oh, I think we’re closing the borders. She was the border czar, whether you like it or not, but even if you don’t want to use that term. She was in charge of the border.”

“It’s the worst border in the history of the world, not just here. There’s never been a country that allowed 21 million people to come in over a three-year period. There’s never been. And 21 million people, many of whom are from prisons, many of whom are murderers and drug dealers and child traffickers.”

The issue of open borders falls right into the lap of President Trump’s most recent nickname for his progressive opponent — “Comrade Kamala”.  That’s a very fitting name considering that every single move she has made, or failed to make as Biden’s Border Czar (I’m not even entertaining the argument that she somehow “wasn’t” the Border Czar.  At this point, whatever dude.) – every step she made was in complete lockstep with the Marxist view of national borders; and that is that they are nothing more than a fixture of inequality to be destroyed.  (Rather than what reality dictates concerning borders, which is that you have no nation or national sovereignty without them.)

At every single point of the Biden-Harris administration, the Federal government by means of the various agencies carrying out the will of the Executive Branch has INTENTIONALLY left the border wide open, on her watch.  It was quite refreshing to hear President Trump hammer his opponent on that point, mercilessly.

The last point of the night I really want to highlight is when Hannity posed the question regarding what has changed from the last election to this one.  He alluded to the last election being all about “the forgotten man”, and asked President Trump to contrast that with what THIS election was about.  Here is his answer:

He said, “It’s not that different… people are being treated horribly in this country.  It’s very simply: Make America Great Again.”

You know what?  He’s right.  That’s not oversimplified.  Neither is he overcomplicating it.  That is exactly the problem at the heart of most of America’s problems right now — domestically, and on the world stage.

Too many people have bought in to too many of the progressive ideas that result in demoralizing, illogical behavior completely bereft of alignment with the REAL WORLD.  And the result?  We’ve lost common sense, we’ve lost civility, we’ve largely lost true respect for each other — because many people have been taken down roads that are so radical that you CAN NOT simply “agree to disagree”.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have continued the damaging work of progressives who have gone before them (ie: Obama, etc).  And we need a President who will do exactly what President Trump said at the end of that clip:

Make America Great Again.

“It’s very simple”, he said.  And he’s right.  With the right leadership, there is hope for America on all fronts.  We can be great again, as a nation.  We can be EVEN BETTER, as a nation — with good leadership.  But we don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell even SURVIVING this global mess much longer… without good leadership.

And that is what all of this is about; a change from no leadership to good, strong leadership — the kind of leadership that will actually allow the slogan, “Make America Great Again”, to come true.


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