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BREAKING: Multiple Emergency Vehicles Spotted Outside White House

Reports have just gone viral showing video of multiple emergency vehicles outside the White House.

Dom Lucre was one of the first to post.

Take a look:

Several large accounts, like Grant Cardone, jumped to the conclusion that it was a MEDICAL Emergency and implied that Joe Biden might be dead.

Post here:

But you trust us for REAL reporting and I’m here to shoot you straight.

According to the best sources we have at the moment, it is NOT a medical emergency but rather a suspicious item identified by the Secret Service:

And I already know what you’re thinking before you even say it….

No, I can’t explain how the Secret Service could possibly identify a “suspicious item” and shut down the White House over it, when they couldn’t even spot a SNIPER on the rooftop of a building aiming a rifle at President Trump.

So color me a bit dismayed that they’ve now developed highly perceptive detection skills!

Nonetheless, it does not appear to be related to a medical emergency of Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as Joe Biden is in Delaware right now and Kamala Harris is in Arizona:

As always, you can trust us to bring you the REAL news!

No censorship and no BS reporting.


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