The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has upgraded a recall of eggs to its highest alert classification level.
In November, the agency announced a recall of New York-based Handsome Brook Farms organic pasture-raised eggs sold at Costco.
"Handsome Brook Farms is voluntarily recalling 10,800 retail units of the Organic Pasture Raised 24-Count Eggs sold under the Kirkland Signature brand name because these eggs have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems," the FDA previously stated.
"These units of the Kirkland Signature Organic Pasture Raised 24-Count Eggs were distributed into 25 Costco stores in the States of Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee beginning November 22, 2024," it added.
Now, the FDA revealed on Monday it upgraded the recall's alert classification.
🚨#ALERT: Costco Egg Recall Upgraded
The #FDA warns that consuming the eggs, which may be contaminated with salmonella, could cause "serious adverse health consequences or death."#ProtectTheWorld with Citizen.— Citizen (@CitizenApp) December 23, 2024
Independent reports:
The FDA revealed on Monday that the recall is now “Class I,” meaning this is a “situation in which there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to a violative product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.”
This is the most serious risk level that an FDA recall can be, with the classification change coming one month after 10,800 retail units of organic eggs were recalled from Costcos across the southern United States.
FDA upgrades Costco egg recall to highest alert over fears salmonella contamination 'could cause death'
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) December 23, 2024
FDA raises Costco egg recall to the highest risk level due to salmonella fears.
— End Time Headlines (@EndTimeHeadline) December 23, 2024
Per Newsweek:
Handsome Brooke Farms has recalled products that were distributed to 25 Costco stores in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
The recall is for eggs packaged in a plastic carton with the Julian code 327 and a "use by" date of "Jan 6, 2025." The UPC number 9661910680 is also included on packaging.
No illnesses have been reported in connection with the product at this time.
The recall was initiated on November 26, and the FDA issued its classification on the December 20.
Nationwide Recall Of Dry Shampoo — Cancer Causing Ingredient Found!
Are any of you all tired of being poisoned by Big Business?
How is it that they keep accidentally incorporating a bunch of cancer-causing ingredients into everything they sell?
And then they act like they don’t know how this keeps happening!
They do it to what you eat…
They do it to what you put on your skin…
And they even do it to what you spray on your hair and breath in!
Yup, that’s the latest.
Poisoning you by all 5 of your physical senses it seems.
I’m sick of it — and I have a solution for you down below in this article, so keep reading if you are sick of it too and you’d like to break the cycle.
But first, here’s the news:
BREAKING: Nationwide recall of 20 dry shampoo products!
Do this instead
— (@DailyNoahNews) July 2, 2023
Oh 20 brands you say!
Wow, so that’s a lot.
Just 20 “oopsies” huh?
How did that cancer-causing stuff get in here…we just can’t figure it out!
So which brands are offenders?
Proctor & Gamble.
And more:
I use to love its GRAPE SMELL!
— REAL T (@REALT39311964) July 1, 2023
for anyone using these brands!— HAMTASTIC
(@itsamandaham) October 27, 2022
Dry shampoo recall happening! Please spread the word. Sources in the comments. Thank you @GlamLifeGuru for sharing this info!
— Dez Brasil (@dezbra19) November 21, 2022
From Glamour, you gotta love the part I bolded below — we just can’t figure out how that carcinogen got in there!
Last week the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a nationwide dry shampoo recall due to “elevated levels of benzene” in dozens of aerosol products. Recalled items included Dove, Nexxus, Suave, Rockaholic, Bed Head, and Tresemmé dry shampoo canisters produced before October 2021.
This isn’t the first time benzene contamination prompted a cosmetics recall in recent history. In December 2021, Procter & Gamble recalled aerosol dry shampoo and conditioner spray products from Pantene, Aussie, and Herbal Essences due to detected benzene.
Is benzene dangerous?
Benzene is a chemical carcinogen. However, context is key: People breathe in low levels of the compound every day. “Products like cigarettes, gasoline, glues, paints, and certain plastics contain benzene,” Reid Maclellan, MD, director of Proactive Dermatology Group and founder and CEO of artificial intelligence health care company Cortina, tells Glamour. And it’s true: From car emissions to gasoline while filling your lawnmower, there are countless opportunities to expose oneself to benzene on a day-to-day basis. Even Banana smoothies have been found to be contaminated with it, adds Hans Plugge, a principal who specializes in toxicology at Safer Chemical Analytics LLC.
Relatively consistent exposure does not mean benzene is risk-free, however. According to Dr. Maclellan, short-term symptoms to high benzene exposure can include dizziness, confusion, drowsiness, vomiting, stomach irritation, or headache, and long-term effects could lead to cancer, anemia, and low blood cell counts as benzene kills white blood cells. He also says that if you have experienced any symptoms stated above, to seek medical attention. However, Plugge clarifies that it’s benzene only in high concentrations that is known to be carcinogenic and cause anemia.
“The level of exposure determines the risk,” he says. “The levels in the product described in these studies are very low and exposure is even lower.”
Is the amount of benzene in the dry shampoo canisters cause for concern?
How and why did benzene end up in the dry shampoo?
The source of the contamination remains unclear. “The spray cans’ propellant has been identified as the source of benzene in the dry shampoo, and they are working with the manufacturer to get to the bottom of this,” Dr. Maclellan says, though he clarifies that companies are not putting benzene into their products on purpose, since the harmful effects of these chemicals are universally recognized.
Now, as I promised….let’s talk solutions.
I NEVER leave you with just the problem.
You know I’ve got the solution!
Can I give you a much better option?
How about an American-made and manufactured company that has been in business for over 37 years and has NEVER paid one single dollar over a product liability claim?
Because they’re products are SAFE.
Gee, imagine that….what a novel concept!
In fact, this is EXACTLY why I started my new Mission back in February.
The new mission is simply this: to help build out the Parallel-Economy.
Because here’s what I realized…
You THINK you have a choice between all these companies listed below in the circle, but what most people don’t realize is they’re all owned by only 11 companies.
Interesting number.
Will probably be even less than that in the future when these merge even further.
It’s an ILLUSION of choice.
The same goes for all your media…
It’s just an ILLUSION of different choices, but owned by these 6 companies:
Now back to my Mission and my solution.
I figured I would eventually need to build a Parallel-Economy from the ground up.
I knew that would be a ton of work.
So it was on my back-burner.
In fact, it had been there on my back-burner since about 2016.
Until suddenly, in January of 2023, I connected with a company I had never heard of before….but they’re MASSIVE.
They’ve been in business for over 35 years and they’re a VERY pro-American, pro-Liberty, pro-Conservative values company!
They’re an American based, Made-In-America, warehoused-in-America, shipped-from-America company!
In fact, they’re the last private, family-owned, pro-American consumer goods company left in America NOT owned by those 11 companies I showed you above.
Oh, and what if I told you the products are BETTER and often CHEAPER than what you get from those 11 companies above?
Yes, for real.
And their founder was once placed on Barack Hussein Obama’s list of the Top 10 most “Dangerous Conservatives” in America?
(a list I one day hope to make myself!)
Once I learned all of that, I knew I no longer had to build this from the ground-up by myself, I simply needed to partner with this awesome company to help them get the word out.
So on top of being the last Family-owned major consumer goods manufacturer not part of the Big-11, comparable or often lower prices, supporting American jobs and families, here’s the part that ties in to the main point of this article”.
Non-toxic products!
That means no Arsenic, Cadmium, and Lead in their Spices!
Which really, if we’re being honest, should be the bare minimum for everyone, right?
Stunning I even have to tell you that, but I guess I do!
But it also means no Red Dye 40 or flouride in the toothpaste or chemicals in the cleaning products, or Deet in the mosquito repellant.
What novel concepts, right?
Oh, and Black Angus beef, pasture raised on hundreds of thousands of acres.
Free roaming with plenty of open air between all the cattle.
Grass fed.
No hormones and no antibiotics. Never!
Oh, and it’s CHEAPER than Omaha Steaks!
But that’s a whole other topic!
Sound good to anyone else?
Me too!
The reason you’ve never heard of them is because it’s Invite Only.
I can get you in, but you can’t just go sign up.
They only want people on the same mission to join and they’re happy to say “no” to the Far-Left Libs!
They’ve been doing it for 37 years and it’s been working great.
Everyone gets a personal, white glove, concierge customer service support to get you access to everything they have.
Imagine that!
No call centers from India.
Just real, friendly, helpful and NICE Americans helping Americans!
Wow, like going back in a time-machine.
So it is Invite only…and good thing you know someone that has the invites….(me!).
If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here and tell them Noah sent you:
It’s the real deal, and because they don’t raise the Black Angus like the big companies do, they may have the SHUT OFF invites if they grow too fast.
So if you want in, let me know soon.
There’s only one pro-American, American made and manufactured, chemical free, toxin free, hormone free, company left….and I’m teaming up with them to FIGHT BACK!
Who’s with me?
Watch this:
As I said, it’s Invite Only and the invite is completely free!
In fact, I’ve assembled a team of patriots who will personally get you invited and signed up….if you want in.
Americans Helping Americans.
Patriots Helping Patriots.
It’s called “Patriot Switch” and I think the name says it all.
Folks, we don’t have many strongholds left.
This is one.
And I’m all in.
If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here:
Tell them Noah sent you and I promise you will get a personal call, text or email.
Don’t freak out when you do.
And make sure you tell them you are interested in the Black Angus beef too!
I know I tend to get concerned when I get messages from numbers I don’t recognize, but if you request a Free Invite (Link here: you WILL have someone from my Inner Circle reach out to you….so be ready!
These are awesome people and I think you’ll love getting a chance to talk with them.
And they’ll help get you all set up.
Who’s with me and who’s ready to stop eating Arsenic, Cadmium, and Lead?
Your friend,
– Noah
p.s. Since everyone gets personal attention, we will take these in the order in which they come in. So if you are excited, ask for your invite now or you might be far down on the list. I have a great team, but they can only do so much and they’ll work on a first-come, first-served basis.
Request a free Invite here:
This is a Guest Post from our friends over at 100 Percent Fed Up.
View the original article here.
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