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Trump Wins Again: Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, Ends Feud and Officially Endorses Trump for President!

Georgia Republican Governor, Brian Kemp, is FINALLY on-board with President Trump’s mission to win this election.

Kemp, who certified the state’s 2020 electors in the highly controversial Georgia race, denied President’s Trump’s allies the chance to replace them, and carried out a tense 4-year relationship between the two, has thrown his full support to Trump’s 2024 candidacy:

Note, this comes just a few weeks after President Trump tore into Kemp at an Atlanta rally earlier this month:

Of course, as usual with President Trump, this wasn’t simply an attack on Kemp’s competency as Governor – it was Trump understanding how to put pressure on Kemp to fall-in-line and support him:

Fox News reports on Kemp’s last night announcement:

Trump’s favorable comments toward Kemp on Thursday evening followed the governor joining Fox News, where he endorsed Trump for president. Kemp had not endorsed anyone in the GOP primary, but said he would support the GOP ticket come November.

“We got to win. You know, we got to win from the top of the ticket on down. I’ve been saying consistently for a long time, we cannot afford another four years of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And I think, you know, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz would be even worse,” he told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Thursday.

“So we need to send Donald Trump back to the White House. We need to retake the Senate. We need to hold the House. We need to hold our legislative majorities that we have in the great state of Georgia. And it takes hard work. That’s what we’ve been doing.”

No, it’s not the most passionate endorsement ever.

In fact, Kemp’s not really praising Trump – but he DOES understand we have to win in November.

And Georgia is a big piece-to-the-puzzle.

Kemp also most likely understands his political future – possibly at a national level – after his second term as Governor is done is tied to a good relationship with President Trump and the MAGA voting base.

President Trump understands this too:

You can watch the full DNC interview between Sean Hannity and Governor Kemp right here:



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