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Why Are The Democrats Obsessed With TAKING KIDS? New Bill Does Just That

“Child Abuse!”

That’s what Democrats cry if you don’t let them mutilate kids.

That’s interesting.

Hey robot, what does mutilate mean?


“Mutilate” means to inflict severe damage or injury by cutting, tearing, or otherwise disfiguring a person, animal, or object. It often involves causing significant physical harm or alteration that results in the loss of function, form, or integrity. It can also refer to the deliberate destruction or alteration of something in a way that renders it incomplete or damaged.

That’s odd.

Now that sounds like abuse if that was inflicted on a child.

But I guess I’m just old fashioned.

Mutilation is loving and mostly peaceful if done on a child.

Good thing Democrat Stava Murray is here to correct us of wrongthink.

And the best way to do that is to CHANGE THE DEFINITION OF ABUSE.

I told you our enemies are Word Magicians, they are constantly coming up with new terms and redefining old ones.


Daily Wire reports:

A recently-introduced bill in the state of Illinois would change the definition of “abused child” to include minors whose parents object to their children receiving puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, transgender surgeries, and abortions.

House Bill 4876, which was introduced in early February, also shields doctors from liability if they prescribe such treatments to minors who do not have parental consent — and empowers the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to step in and, if they deem it necessary, remove children from their biological parents based on the new definition of an “abused child.”

According to the legislation, which imbues minors with the same legal status as adults with regard to consenting to medical treatments and procedures related to abortion and gender transition, “consent to the performance of abortion services and gender-affirming services executed by a minor is not voidable because of such minority.”

Additionally, doctors who prescribe and perform such treatments and procedures are directed only to make a reasonable effort to ensure that the minor in question has an understanding of the risks and benefits — and are exempted from any liability, either civil or criminal, for their participation in the minor’s treatment.

These people may be a worse plague than the invaders.


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