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WATCH: O’Keefe Media Group EXPOSES Biden Admin LIE!

The Biden administration has reassured the American people that the scores of migrants coming into the country and jet-setting across the country are fully vetted. Do you believe them?

I certainly don’t and neither does James O’Keefe, who recently went to Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport to investigate the claims made by the Biden regime.

Can you guess what he found? He found that no one was vetting these migrants and that agents were simply ‘taking their word’ for who they were and what they were doing.

Judging by what O’Keefe is claiming, I could show up at this airport and claim that was a migrant—I just might, I want a free flight to California too!

Here’s what O’Keefe discovered and multiple reports corroborating the chaos at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport:

O’Keefe wrote: “Please help me print my boarding pass I am a refugee”— government claims it is vetting these individuals before putting them on planes, but our reporting and numerous tips from insiders contradict that.

What we found is that agents responsible for vetting the identification of these individuals are relying solely on their word.

You and I could not travel without showing our ID numerous times and taking off our shoes, but these supposed “refugees” as they’re calling them face none of that security or scrutiny.”

NBC News 12 reports:

The constant flow of migrants “unprepared to travel” has not only changed how airport staff operate but also forced the IRC to change its operation after hours when it’s getting called by airport staff.

“We have been seeing anywhere from a dozen to 60, 70, 80 individuals being referred to us from the airport or other partners at night,” said Alex Miller, Director of asylum seekers and families at the Phoenix’s non-profit.

“We are less staffed at night.”

Babylon Bee writer Ashley St. Clair presented this letter from Rep. Matt Gaetz to the CEO of Delta Airlines demanding answers about the transportation of migrants via his airline. She presented several questions Gaetz posed to the CEO:

“How many non-resident aliens has Delta Airlines transported on behalf of nongovernmental organizations since January 20, 2021?

How do NGOs purchase or reimburse your airlines for tickets of non-resident aliens? Are you now receiving, or have you ever received any incentive for reimbursement, including money, credit, or other benefits from the federal government in exchange for the transport of non-resident aliens?

Has the TSA notified you of what forms of identification are acceptable for nonresident aliens to clear airport security and board your flights? If so, what are they?”

Daily Mail detailed the claims of Ashley St. Clair:

St Clair continued posting on X about the flight, claiming most of the flight was filled with the alleged migrants, and that they still had bags from the processing center in Phoenix.

She also said one of the alleged migrants was seated next to her in a premium cabin, and expressed concern about whether the passengers had been medically screened.


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