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Federal Investigation Launched Against Small Town That Rejected Electronic Voting

It looks like the small town of Thornapple, Wisconsin found a way to get federal attention.

Here’s the scoop:

Back in June 2023, the board members made a bold call to ditch electronic voting machines.

They decided it was time to go all-in on paper ballots.

But then U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division caught wind of it.

Now they’re investigating this move.

I wonder why they’d be against paper ballots?

Gateway Pundit reports:

A small town in Wisconsin is currently under Federal review after making a decision to eliminate electronic voting machines and replace them with paper ballots.

In June 2023, board members of the town of Thornapple in Rusk County, Wisconsin, decided to stop using electronic voting machines for elections and instead rely entirely on hand-counting ballots.

The decision by board members has since caught the attention of the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, which is now investigating the move.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that Suzanne Pinnow, who serves as Thornapple’s chief election official, received a letter from the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division seeking information about why the town decided to get rid of electronic machines and how the township is helping to accommodate disabled voters in the process.

Pinnow told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that no one with disabilities has been “turned away” from voting with the new hand-counting ballot system.

AOL adds:

A rural Wisconsin community’s decision to eliminate electronic voting machines has attracted the attention of federal investigators who are questioning how voters with disabilities cast ballots in the town of fewer than 1,000 people.

The vote by a small board overseeing the Town of Thornapple in Rusk County, population 711, to rely solely on hand counting paper ballots took place last year and caught the eye of state and federal officials after the April presidential primary election when advocates for voters with disabilities rang alarm bells.

The decision was made in June 2023, according to town supervisor Tom Zelm − around the time of a discussion in the local newspaper over whether to abandon electronic voting machines and amid visits to the area by one of the nation’s most prominent purveyors of election conspiracy theories. Town officials would not tell the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel exactly what prompted the vote, which could violate federal laws mandating accessible voting options, and have so far not responded to requests under the state’s public records law for minutes of the town board meeting during which the vote was taken.

But Thornapple voter and Rusk County Democratic Party chairwoman Erin Webster says she discovered the roots of the decision are in former President Donald Trump’s falsehoods about the 2020 presidential election.

In a recording made by Webster of an April 2 telephone conversation with town supervisor Jack Zupan that was posted to YouTube, Zupan tells Webster that the board voted to remove the machines because “we believe that there was a stolen election and the computers have to go because they’re full of error.”

Zupan did not return multiple phone calls from the Journal Sentinel over several days to discuss the contents of the recording.

“There are court cases right now that show that anybody can hack and manipulate that machine within just a matter of a couple of minutes,” he said, referring to a federal lawsuit over Georgia’s voting system that was filed before the 2020 election and has yet to be resolved. “We want your vote to count, not to be taken away.”

At one point during the 10-minute phone call, Webster said the board was “absolutely breaking the law.”

Are we to see more of this?

Because I’m sure this won’t be the last town to ditch electronic ballots.


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