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President Trump Plans To Crackdown On Muslim Immigrants

During a campaign stop in Iowa, President Trump proposed restrictions on immigration based on ideology, targeting critics of Israel and Hamas sympathizers.

In addition to preventing people from entering the country based on ideological screenings, Trump also plans to revoke student visas and deport anti-Israel demonstrators.

Even though he didn’t get to complete his wall, Trump was very tough on illegal immigration during his presidency, unlike Biden, who opened up our borders to everyone, weakening our national security in the process.

According to the Washington Post, the 45th President also promised to expand his travel ban on people from Muslim-majority countries and refuse refugees.

Here’s a portion of what Trump said in the Washington Post article:

“We will implement strong ideological screening for all immigrants to the United States,” he announced Monday, according to prepared remarks. “In addition, we will aggressively deport resident aliens with jihadist sympathies.”

The proposals echoed Trump’s 2016 campaign when he seized on terrorist attacks in Europe to call for banning Muslim immigration, which turned into a ban on travel from several Muslim-majority countries when he became president. The Supreme Court eventually upheld a modified version of the policy.

“If you support Hamas or any ideas, ideology that’s having to do with that or any of the other really sick thoughts that go through people’s minds — very dangerous — you’re disqualified,” Trump said in the remarks he delivered.

President Trump also joked about expelling Biden administration officials based on ideology. “I’d like to get them out too,” he said. He also ridiculed Biden’s administration, calling him the worst president in American history.


During his speech, President Trump said he fought harder for Israel than any other president before him, which is true because he was the first U.S. President to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He also said that the attack on Israel would not have happened if he was president.

As expected, Democrats criticized President Trump’s comments, calling them Islamophobic. They talk a big game about being compassionate to immigrants because America is a nation of immigrants.

But when Republican governors in Texas and Florida started shipping immigrants to their cities and states last year, they started complaining that they have no room for them.

Trump also had a few words for the Republicans that are challenging him for the Party’s nomination for president.


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