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Marina Abromovic Confirms She Is “Ambassador For Children” In Ukraine, Jokes About Putin Killing Generals

A couple weeks ago, we reported to you that the infamous and evil “Spirit Cooker” Marina Abromovic was appointed as the Ambassador for Children in Ukraine, overseeing the rebuilding of schools and hospitals.

Today she confirmed it in her own creepy words.

I don’t like giving this (literal) Witch too much airtime, but you have to see this short clip.

Our reporting was once again spot on:

What a funny joke about Putin killing all his Generals!

And the crowd just laughs along!

Evil stuff.


And so is this next video I’m going to show you about her “art”.

Do you have spiritual discernment?

We all do, to some degree.

Something in your spirit should not sit right when you listen to this Witch talk or see her work….it’s evil at a core level:

Here was our prior reporting:

Ukraine Asks “Spirit Cooker” To Be Ambassador To Ukraine and Rebuild Schools

File this under: “you can’t make this crap up!”

Crap, Blood, Feces, Urine.

It’s all quite literal when discussing Marina Abramovic, and it’s absolutely disgusting.

WARNING: I should probably give a warning at the beginning of this article because this is going to be very graphic, very evil, and very gross.


You have been warned.

For those who don’t know who she is or just how BAD this is, you can watch this short video below from Clandestine to get caught up:

I told you….very nasty stuff.

The stuff of nightmares.

More here:

Of course she has deep ties to the Clintons, to Bill Gates and to Ukraine.


Charming lady:

A little more about the evil here:

And of course here is Marina taking a photo with Satan:

Oops, sorry….correction: Marina taking a picture with Jacob Rothschild IN FRONT OF a picture of Satan.

My mistake.

You can see how I’d make an honest mistake there.

And now the latest….

You’d think this would have to be fake.

One of the most absurd things you could think of.


They could have brainstormed all day long over at the Babylon Bee and never came up with something as ridiculous as this.

And yet….it’s true news:

They want her as an Ambassador!

That’s almost not the craziest part….

She will be an Ambassador for Children, rebuilding schools!


You think those rebuilt schools will be safe?

Think there will be secret basement torture chambers?

I would never let my child anywhere near Ukraine in the first place, but damn sure not into a Marina Abramovic Ukraine school!

You kidding me?

As always, they lie to you about “saving the children” when they’re really doing horrific things in the background:

Here’s more from MSN:

I like how DC_Draino puts it: they’re flaunting evil right in front of our faces:

It’s actually not the first time we’ve seen Abramovic connected to Ukraine.

Back in March of 2022, we brought you this:

“Spirit Cooker” Mirina Ambramovic Supports The Ukraine!

This is part of an ongoing series where we spotlight all the world figures who support the Ukraine…


To show you which side you’re on if that’s the side you pick.

So far, here’s the list:



Klaus Schwab.




The MSM.

And now?

That “spirit cooking” witch Marina Abromovich.

Charming group to keep company with, isn’t it?

Have you figured out which side you want to be on yet?

Watch here on Rumble to listen to the witch tell you what you should beLIEve:

So…is that a group you agree with on ANYTHING else?

Question asked and answered.

She is NOT receiving good feedback online…read these comments:

I love it when everyone is Red Pilled!

So…what can you believe?

Well, I’ve put together my thoughts and you can find them here:

I’ve waited until now to make any comments about what I believe is happening in Russia/Ukraine.

I wanted to wait and watch and see how things developed before commenting.

But over the past week I’ve been flooded with questions from family, friends and readers asking what I believe is really happening right now in the Russia/Ukraine story.

So here we go…

Let’s start with this: I haven’t been to either country.  I haven’t seen anything first-hand.

So I’m going to be telling you what makes sense to me and what I’ve learned (and what I hope we’ve all learned) after doing this since 2015.

Let’s start with this: I don’t trust the official MSM narrative.

Can we all agree to start there?

I think if you start there, you’ve got about 75% of it figured out.

For weeks, all I heard was the MSM saying Putin is going to invade, Putin is going to start a war.

Yet I heard nothing from Putin himself.

It was a war declared over and over and over by the Media.  As if they wanted the war.  As if someone NEEDED the war, to either advance their agenda or to distract from other things…or perhaps all of the above.

So that’s where I start and immediately I assume that whatever I’m being told by the MSM Propaganda Machine is probably close to 180 degrees from the actual truth.

Then I move to a second but closely related question: what side is Joe Biden on?

Joe Biden is hand-in-hand with the MSM, declaring Putin the enemy of the world.

Again, my guard is up.

I’m not going to stand here and tell you Vlad Putin is a great guy.  But I don’t have to jump that far to say I don’t trust the side of Joe Biden and the MSM.

It’s possible that NEITHER side are the “good guys”, don’t forget that.

So with those two puzzle pieces figured out, I’m about 85% clear on what I believe is happening: namely, that the MSM and Biden Regime are colluding to thrust America and the world into a new world war and this is not in anyone’s best interest except for the globalist banksters.

How we doing so far?

Pretty accurate?

Ok, so now how about Russia and Ukraine…who are the “good guys”?

Again, I don’t know.

The real world is often not as black and white and much more grey.

I’m not here to condone anything Russia or the Ukraine is doing.

I think we all have a common enemy, but it’s not either of those countries, it’s the globalist banker elites.

The bad guys are this creep, Anal Schwab:

And these creeps, Gates of Hell and Soros:

Want to find the “bad guys”?

THOSE are the bad guys.

The rest is a distraction.

And no, I don’t mean the fighting and deaths are not real, I suspect they are very much real.

But a senseless distraction designed to enrich the global elite while distracting from other things such as, oh I don’t know, how about this:

Remember when these four all had kids working and making millions off energy companies in the Ukraine?

Seriously…what are the odds?

Either all of these families just have very odd and statistically unlikely ties to a random country off the shore of Russia, or perhaps…..just perhaps….Ukraine was being used for money laundering?

Are we still allowed to ask those questions?

Are we still allowed to do investigative journalism?

What are the odds folks?

Here’s a related question:  what are the odds that the whole recorded phone call that lead to Trump’s (failed) impeachment was with….do you remember?….that’s right, the President of Ukraine!

195 countries in the world and you mean to tell me it all keeps pointing back to Ukraine?

What are the odds?

Folks, I don’t know exactly what all of this means, but I do know this: I don’t trust the MSM and Biden narratives one bit and then you start seeing all of this stuff?

And don’t forget, Zelensky is a professional actor turned President.

In what world does that happen?

In other words, I think this lady put it very well:

Very well said.

I agree with almost everything she says.

How about you?

And then we have this from Wendy Rogers, who I agree with completely here too:

No, I’m not sticking up for Russia, but I do know one thing…

Banning people from social media, from bank accounts, from society is almost NEVER the right side of history.

Banning and deplatforming is something I am against almost across the board.

Yet another red flag to add to the mix.

And what about the BioLabs in the Ukraine that are reportedly being taken out?

We covered that here:

And I’ve waited until this point in the article to get into this, but now we get into the fake photos, fake videos and fake narratives.

Starting with this (fake cardboard toy guns):

It’s gotten so bad it’s being mocked mercilessly online, literally being compared to the classic N64 video game from the 1990s:

And you know that tearjerker scene being shared all week long about the soldier leaving for battle?

Yeah, another lie.

They’re not even trying anymore…

That footage is from a 2017 documentary:

You awake yet?

Need more?

Ok, here’s more fakery:

And then we get to the “Ghost of Kyiv”.

Have you heard this story yet?

The Ukrainian fighter pilot who went Maverick on TopGun and took down 12 MiGs singlehandedly?

Here’s the story they’re pushing:

Great story if true.

The only problem?

Almost all the footage surrounding it is confirmed fake.

Fake photo:

Fake video (from a video game):

The pilot and the story could still be real, but at what point do we just call BS on the whole entire thing?

Why do we cling to wanting a story like this to be true, when almost no other part of the story so far has been confirmed as reliable?

Why do we say things like this?

In other words, “I don’t care if I’m being lied to, this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.”

We’re at a powerful point in history my friends.

A point where a critical mass of people have woken up and no longer believe the propaganda they so easily pushed on us for decades.

It’s no longer working.

Keep questioning.

Keep challenging.

Keep thinking for yourself!

If we have learned ANYTHING since 2015, I hope it’s that we need to think for ourselves!

Don’t just gobble up everything the MSM tells you as truth, because it usually isn’t.

For 4+ years, we saw the MSM twist and turn every detail against Donald Trump until it no longer resembled anything close to the truth.

We saw them blatantly lie to us over and over and over.

I hope we’ve all learned they are almost certainly lying to us right now.

So what IS the truth?

What do I think about Russia/Ukraine?

I don’t know all the details of the true story here, but I know what ISN’T true and I know I’m not buying what the MSM and Joe Biden are trying to sell me.

How about you?


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