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Thought Crime Technology Coming to Dallas Schools?

The Dallas Independent School District (DISD) last week announced a “groundbreaking pilot project” to enhance student safety.

Whenever something is said to be for “safety,” that’s usually a red flag of something invasive or destructive to inalienable rights.

And this pilot project DISD is launching reads like the plot from ‘Minority Report.’

“This initiative will utilize Davista’s Heimdall platform, a breakthrough technology that empowers organizations to identify risk and take action before the projected risk becomes a consequential event or incident,” a DISD press release states.

The program would utilize artificial intelligence to monitor each student and give an alert when a student deviates from his or her baseline behavior.

Read more of the press release at Access Wire:

Davista’s student safety and support platform enables comprehensive analysis and review of student data through software, minimizing inherent human biases and disparities by objectively assessing data points and reducing assumptions and cognitive fatigue. Leveraging existing data within the school, the technology pays attention to students’ participation, performance, and behavioral patterns. This process establishes a baseline for each student, derived from their past information, allowing real-time analysis of any deviations from their personal baseline.

“The student safety and support software utilized in this pilot project leverages the wealth of existing student data sources within Dallas ISD and automates the identification of students who may be at risk, approaching a crisis, or currently experiencing one”, said the Honorable Ron Price. “Essentially, the system benchmarks students against their own progress. Whenever deviations, nuances, or correlated changes are observed, the system automatically alerts key stakeholders within the school, enabling them to conduct their own assessments and provide appropriate interventions at the earliest possible time. This makes student safety more proactive instead of reactive and prioritizes the safety and precaution for every student”.

Educational institutions have long grappled with the overwhelming task of sifting through to find nuanced information from vast amounts of student data and identify potential risks and provide early interventions to those in need. “We are driven by our passion to make a difference in the lives of students and ensure their safety within educational institutions,” said Scott Sieracki, the Chief Sales and Marketing Officer at Davista. “Our innovative solution leverages the power of data to provide schools with actionable insights to be proactive and develop targeted interventions, creating a positive and nurturing environment for all students.”

The impact of Davista’s solution on school safety has already garnered attention from educational institutions across the country. “With the current climate of gun violence across American schools, structures, and systems must be in place to enable early intervention before a student goes down the path of violence. Davista’s platform identifies indicative behavior of ‘At Risk Students’ and is proactive in student safety and violence prevention. Davista’s platform will help to improve the safety of our nation’s schools and communities,” stated Erika Y. Mitchell, Board Member for Atlanta Public Schools.

“Davista is the pioneer in the delivery of artificial intelligence and data visualization solutions for the physical security and law enforcement industries. Davista’s goal is to help organizations fully automate their physical security operations by continuously orchestrating and dynamically mobilizing their safety and security apparatus and personnel in response to developing events and in anticipation of emerging and future trends,” the company’s website reads.

“Davista was born out of the Visual Analytics for Command, Control, and Interoperability Environments (VACCINE) Center, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Center of Excellence center whose mandate was to develop multidisciplinary, customer-driven science and technology solutions for the extended homeland security enterprise,” it adds.

From Davista:

Davista is a dynamic and innovative company that originated from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Emeritus Center of Excellence in 2017. Leveraging our extensive knowledge in machine learning algorithms and data visualization. Davista specializes in empowering organizations to adopt a proactive and data-driven approach to enhance their risk reduction strategies. Our comprehensive solutions go beyond conventional methods, aiming to minimize a wide range of risks, including those related to health, safety, crime, security, and identity. By utilizing our breakthrough technology, we identify potential risks, prescribe effective interventions, and enable our customers to significantly improve their overall risk posture. With Davista as your partner, you can confidently navigate the complex landscape of risk management and achieve remarkable outcomes.

In the name of ‘school safety,’ schools across America appear to be strengthening the surveillance state to weaponize it against children.


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