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Sean Feucht Under Attack!

How do you know you’re over the target and making an impact (for good) in the world?

When they launch an all out attack on you.

That’s what’s happening to Sean Feucht right now.

Many of you know who that is, others may not.

He’s a Christian Worship song leader and he’s been on fire spreading the Gospel especially in the last 3 years.

He recently launched a mission to hold a Revival Worship Service in every State Capitol in the United States (more on that down below).

And that’s exactly when the attacks started.

Guess the enemy didn’t like that so much?

But Feucht stands undeterred and he’s got our support.

I’ll give you some recent Tweets so you can see what’s going on.

Here’s one:

Basically, as you can see from the post from AnonOpsUnited, they are making the allegation that Feucht is having an affair with Lauren Boebert.

But here’s what’s funny to me…

If they are having an affair, the truth will come out, but I have to just say two things:

One, from everything I have seen, this is a man of the utmost character.

It would be wildly out of character for him to be doing that.

Second, if you’re having an affair, I don’t think you pose for pictures together on the Capitol Steps and post them online, do you?

I mean, really?

No, that’s not what I see in these pictures.

I see two warriors for America and for Jesus Christ who are united in the same mission and may be good friends — or even just acquaintances with mutual respect and admiration.

The same allegation was posted by CoffeyTimeNews, whoever that is — and it was met with the same response from Feucht:

Then Feuct made this declaration:


It only proves he’s right over the target and having a big impact.


Next is Ron Filipkowski, who Feucht seems to be implying is defaming him:

But here’s my favorite one of all:

From someone called YourAnonNews, they dug through Feucht’s tax returns and found — gasp! — he made more money in 2020 than he did in 2019.

This kind of stuff always amuses me.

Like that’s criminal now?

The guy is working his butt off criss-crossing the Country and holding Worship Services everywhere he goes.

Number one, that’s not cheap.

You need massive support.

Number two, if donations and support has increased because of what he’s doing, where’s the crime in that?

We used to celebrate success in America.

And I’m not aware of any rule or Bible Verse that says you have to be poor to be in the Ministry.

Give me a break.

I guess these people have never heard of Solomon or David.

Check that — of course they haven’t, I doubt they read their Bibles.

So I’ll break it down for you.

These two men were some of the richest Kings in all of the Bible — and in all of history.

I see no evidence in the Bible that God requires people to be poor.

Oh yes, he raises up the poor for sure, but it’s not like that’s a prerequisite.

How insane!

But of course that’s not the point here.

The point seems to be to just attack this man for anything.


Because he’s inflicting damage against the enemy, that’s why.

Here’s more on his Revival Mission:


This is so awesome!

The Revival that started at Asbury College continues.

Sean Feucht has been an incredible leader and song-leader in the revival movement for a long time, and now he’s doing something totally new and inspired by God: he’s going revival rallies and taking Communion at every U.S. Capitol.

Bring Revival to the state houses!


This was his announcement kicking it off — they started in Louisiana in rain and 40 degree weather!

But that didn’t stop the powerful move of the Holy Spirit:

More here:

Then came Mississippi:

Did you know it’s the murder capital of America?


Next was Alabama:

Worship on the Selma bridge:

Montgomery, AL:

Related: what should President Trump do?

It’s high time he hosted a prayer rally.

I love this idea:

Great idea?

It would not only secure him the Presidency, but it would move mountains in the spiritual world that would have incredible impact we would see for generations!

Do it, Mr. President!



Here’s one more you’re gonna love:

Sean Feucht: The Enemy Vastly Overplayed His Hand, You’re Gonna LOVE What Comes Next!

This incredible video was amazingly recommended to me in YouTube.

Imagine that!

This is Charlie Kirk with Sean Feucht in what is one of the most incredible interviews I have seen in a long time.

Sean Feucht is absolutely incredible here and he puts words to exactly everything I’ve been thinking over the past two years as I watched different churches have different reactions to the planned-demic.

Sean is a worship leader and he explains how he was so stunned when he saw how many big churches were responding.

He says “we sing all these songs of not being afraid…I’m no longer a slave to fear…songs of slaying giants…and then something like this comes along and we are suddenly afraid to leave our houses!  Suddenly, our theology that we sing about was not at all matching our actions.”

He continues by saying that many pastors said closing down their churches and telling people to stay home is what Jesus would do.

“What Bible are you reading?!?” Feucht shouts….

Jesus ran INTO trouble, he ran INTO disease….he was not in fear of it and trying to avoid it.

He made the unclean CLEAN when he touched it — not the other way around.

Sean just put words and emotion into everything I have been observing and feeling these past two years.

The best part?

He says the enemy vastly overplayed his hand.

He’s seen this before.

And it means victory and revival are coming soon and on a scale we have not seen before.

This was so wonderful, please enjoy here:

Enjoy some of his live worship events below.


And here:

And here:


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