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Even Jon Stewart Couldn’t Ignore The Democratic National Convention’s Glaring Hypocrisy

Comedian and “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart doesn’t try to hide his leftist worldview, but every once in a while he is willing to call out some of the many absurdities displayed by leaders on his side of the political spectrum.

In the aftermath of last week’s Democratic National Convention, he offered a scathing rebuke of the hypocritical statements made by many of the speakers, often just before other Democratic leaders came out on stage to contradict them.

As the Daily Caller reported:

“They had a guy yelling ‘screw the billionaires’ followed immediately by a very happy billionaire,” Stewart said as images of Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Democratic Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker appeared beside him. Sanders spoke at the DNC before Pritzker.

As the crowd erupted with applause and cheering, Stewart jeered, “‘It’s all okay if it’s our billionaire!’”

Pritzker is the world’s 946th most wealthy person, having a net worth of $3.5 billion, according to Forbes.

Stewart took a moment to compose himself before mocking the DNC again by saying, “‘I don’t like billionaires, but he’s alright!’”

A few other media sources similarly pointed out the awkward juxtaposition:

Stewart then addressed the fact that some on stage disparaged Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) for attending Yale University even as a long line of Ivy League-educated Democrats came out to address delegates during the DNC.

Next, the host noted that former President Bill Clinton was among the speakers despite the Democratic Party’s supposed fierce opposition to sexual misconduct.

To his credit, Stewart was also among the few prominent figures on the left who addressed the elephant in the room regarding Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline weeks before he decided to drop out of the race.

As RealClearPolitics reported in July:

Jon Stewart and CNN’s Bakari Sellers discuss why voters remain skeptical about President Biden despite all the assurances the Democratic Party is giving:

JON STEWART: I’ll be perfectly honest with you. I don’t know of a job interview that you could have gone on and delivered the performance that was delivered by Joe Biden and gotten a job. And I’m not talking about the presidency. I’m talking about like cashier at Home Depot, like a job that you would not think, “That is the hardest job in the entire world.”

BAKARI SELLERS: The only problem with that, Jon, and the only problem with framing it as such is the fact that you discount everything that he’s accomplished in the first 3.5 years

JON STEWART: No, I don’t. he’s not running for what he did for 3.5 years. He’s running for the next four.

Here’s a clip of Stewart’s latest rant:


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