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Is Trump Now Promoting Mail-In Ballots?

President Trump is rallying the Republican troops, urging them to deploy “every appropriate tool”.

He’s calling on us to us whatever is our arsenal to outmaneuver the Democrats.

And this includes tactics like early voting and absentee balloting.

His 2024 campaign, alongside the Republican National Committee, unveiled their new initiative dubbed “Swamp The Vote USA” on Tuesday.

This marks a significant shift from Trump’s stance four years back, where he lambasted early in-person voting and mail-in balloting, attributing them to what he claimed was widespread election fraud, ultimately resulting in his loss to President Biden.

Fox News reports:

President Trump is urging Republicans to use “every appropriate tool to beat the Democrats,” which the presumptive GOP nominee says includes early voting and absentee balloting.

The former president’s 2024 campaign and the Republican National Committee on Tuesday announced the launch of what they call their “Swamp The Vote USA” effort.

It’s a major reversal from Trump’s stance four years ago, when he repeatedly condemned early-in-person voting and mail-in balloting and said they were to blame for what he argued was massive election fraud that led to his defeat at the hands of President Biden.

“Republicans must win and we will use every appropriate tool to beat the Democrats because they are destroying our country,” Trump argued in his statement.

And he emphasized that “whether you vote absentee, by mail, early in-person or on election day, we are going to protect the vote.  We make sure your ballot is secure and your voice is heard.  We must swamp the radical Democrats with massive turnout.  The way to win is to swamp them, if we swamp them with votes they can’t cheat. You need to make a plan, register, and vote any way possible. We have got to get your vote.”

Democrats have voted early in greater numbers than Republicans the past couple of election cycles, while Republicans have tended to come out in greater force on Election Day in November.

While Trump has long railed against early voting, the Republican National Committee under previous chair Ronna McDaniel a year ago launched an early-voting push known as “Bank the Vote.”

The Trump campaign on Tuesday highlighted that “Swamp The Vote USA is the successor to the RNC’s Bank Your Vote program.”

Trump’s position on early voting in recent months has been unclear.

At a rally in Michigan three months ago, he told supporters that early voting was “totally corrupt” and “a hoax.”

And at an April rally in Pennsylvania, the former president compared early voting to “stealing” the vote.

Last month, at a large rally in New Jersey, Trump said “mail-in voting is largely corrupt.”

But at the same event, he urged supporters to “get an absentee or mail-in ballot, vote early or vote on Election Day.”

And he’s emphasized a couple of times in social media postings that early voting is important.

The point is to overwhelm the Democrats with ballots.

Have them in the person, have them in the mail, have them piling up!

It’s much much harder to cheat when the ballots are flooding in.

SWAMP THE VOTE to drain the Swamp!

If no one comes to vote, cheating is easy.

Now, you can view it like this: We technically aren’t voting to remove and stop the Democrats, because we know they’ll cheat.

BUT we are voting to OVERWHELM them to MESS UP their chances at cheating.

We are the wrench in their evil system’s plan.

We vote to overwhelm them.

And we trust in God to defeat them.

And He’ll give us the victory, with whatever method He chooses.

Watch how to use absentee ballots:

PS. Don’t use a sharpie pen, those bleed through the ballot. The poll near me was ONLY handing those out. Can you imagine? Scam city!


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