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DEI Training: American Flags are Symbols of Hate


A word that the media ONLY uses in regards to Whites.

But the definition states:

Supremacy refers to the state or condition of being superior or dominant in power, authority, or influence over others.

And what do we see those pushing DEI saying?

That their ideology is superior and they have the authority and they want to be the SOLE influence over others…

Do you have an American flag?

Then, according to these people, you’re a bigot.

Curious word, isn’t it?

A bigot is someone who holds strong, prejudiced, and intolerant views or beliefs.

In a sense, they’re the original bigots. They are the intolerant ones against us.

But you know what? Intolerance isn’t technically evil in and of itself.

But they’ve helped us to embrace our side. We’re now becoming very intolerant of their DEI beliefs.

We wouldn’t be in the mess we are in nationally if we were intolerant of evil and intolerant of the sin that’s been pushed on the public for years.

We’ve been tolerant for far too long about the wrong stuff. But that’s finally changing.

And now we have the CEO Dr. Nancy Dome of Epoch Education, a pro-DEI indoctrination group, admit that the American flag is a “hate symbol“.

Post Millennial reports:

The co-founder and CEO of diversity, equity, and inclusion training giant Epoch Education has made it clear that those who question the ideology or refuse to go along with its teachings should be forced out of their jobs. Dr. Nancy Dome, who facilitates a number of the classes herself, claimed that such people “do not belong.”

Dole, who referred to the American flag as a symbol of “hate,” has been a vocal critic of those who push for equality over equity, arguing that the latter is necessary for a functioning society. She suggested in a 2023 LinkedIn article, for example, that without equity, people would resort to crime.

Epoch has managed to become a “national leader” in the field of DEI instruction, with its services being utilized in at least five public school districts and among numerous other education organizations. The company has claimed that it seeks to “create an inclusive culture that enables every person to reach his or her full potential.

In 2022, Dome published a book titled, “Let’s Talk About Race,” in which she urged those who spread the gospel of critcal race theory to use “compassionate dialogue” when attempting to convert non-believers.

Epoch Education has worked with many local schools and groups:

As you can see, they’ve been worming their way into many school groups and educational boards.

In the words of John Connor from Terminator Salvation, “The devil’s hands have been busy.”


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