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Will President Trump Keep His SECRET SERVICE Protection?

I know you’ve all  been waiting for Winger’s take on this.

And my take is this:

If you think the rightful President of the United States of America, appointed by God, is going to let the corrupt Deep State Commies get their way, you’re in for a surprise.

That’s probably my favorite video Trump has released yet!

Our enemies won’t get what they want.

That being said, there’s plenty to speculate about what’s to come after this verdict.

What will become of Trump’s Secret Service should he decide to play along and let these Democrats think they’ve got the upper hand?

New York Times reports:

With Donald J. Trump’s unprecedented felony conviction on Thursday, what has long been a remote and abstract concept could move closer to a stunning reality: a former president of the United States behind bars.

But that wouldn’t happen fast.

A jury in Manhattan convicted Mr. Trump of 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree, a crime that under New York State law carries a possible sentence that ranges from probation to four years in prison.

But Mr. Trump is no ordinary defendant. And while most experts think a prison sentence is unlikely, the judge in the case, Juan M. Merchan, has made it known that he takes white-collar crime seriously. The judge set sentencing for July 11.

If Justice Merchan hands down a punishment that lands the former president behind bars — what is known as a custodial sentence — Mr. Trump would be no ordinary prisoner.

That’s because the United States Secret Service is required by law to protect former presidents around the clock, which means its agents would have to protect Mr. Trump inside a prison if he was sentenced to serve time.

Even before the trial’s opening statements, the Secret Service was in some measure planning for the extraordinary possibility of a former president’s incarceration. In the days before the trial began in April, prosecutors asked Justice Merchan to remind Mr. Trump that attacks on witnesses and jurors could land him in jail even before a verdict was rendered.

Shortly thereafter, officials with federal, state and city agencies had an impromptu meeting about how to handle the situation, according to two people with knowledge of the matter.

That behind-the-scenes conversation — involving officials from the Secret Service and other relevant law enforcement agencies — focused only on how to move and protect Mr. Trump if the judge were to order him briefly jailed for contempt in a courthouse holding cell before or during the trial, the people said.

The far more substantial challenge — how to safely incarcerate a former president if he were to be sentenced to prison — has yet to be addressed directly, according to interviews with some of a dozen current and former city, state and federal officials.

That’s at least in part because a drawn-out and hard-fought series of appeals, possibly all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, would be almost a certainty. That would most likely delay Mr. Trump’s serving any sentence for months, if not longer, said several of the people, who like other experts have suggested that a prison sentence is unlikely.

Justice Merchan, whom Mr. Trump has continually attacked as “biased” and “corrupt,” could well decide to sentence Mr. Trump to probation rather than prison time.

That would raise the bizarre possibility of the former — and possibly future — commander in chief reporting regularly to a civil servant at the city’s Probation Department.

Mr. Trump would have to follow the probation officer’s instructions and answer questions about his work and personal life until the term of probation ended. He would also be barred from associating with disreputable people, and if he committed any additional crimes, he could be jailed immediately.

The United States Secret Service is required by law to protect former presidents around the clock even if they are in prison.

Incarceration would present a far greater challenge, especially because Mr. Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. “Obviously, it’s uncharted territory,” Martin F. Horn, who has worked at the highest levels of New York’s and Pennsylvania’s state prison agencies and served as commissioner of New York City’s correction and probation departments, has said. “Certainly no state prison system has had to deal with this before, and no federal prison has had to either.”

Steven Cheung, the communications director for Mr. Trump’s campaign, has said that the case against the former president was “so spurious and so weak” that other prosecutors had refused to bring it, and called it “an unprecedented partisan witch hunt.”

“That the Democrat fever dream of incarcerating the nominee of the Republican Party has reached this level exposes their Stalinist roots and displays their utter contempt for American democracy,” he said.

Food for thought:

Since Judge Juan Merchan was born in Colombia, I wonder if he’s upset that Trump wants to deport his fellow illegal Colombians?

Where does his loyalties lie? You think it’s to the Constitution?

People forget the strength of blood ties. It’s time to start noticing.

Anne noticed.


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