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PANIC: AG Already Preparing Numerous Lawsuits To Stop Trump Once He Wins Election


Trump’s enemies should be afraid! Let him spin his wheels wasting his time.

So Attorney General Rob Bonta is digging into Trump’s potential plans and prepping his team for a possible wave of lawsuits.

He wants to make sure anything the liberals don’t like, he’s going to stop.

“We can’t afford to be caught off guard,” Bonta said.

Prepare all you want.

“We’re bracing for a sequel, and you can bet it’s going to have some new twists.”

Oh, the irony.

Yeah, they’ll be twists alright. Many of his enemies, enemy’s of the Constitution, will be twisting at the end of a rope.

Which might explain their panic.

LA Times reports:

California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta said he and his staff have been reviewing former President Trump’s second-term agenda in detail to prepare a potential onslaught of environmental, immigration and civil rights lawsuits in the event Trump defeats President Biden.

“We can’t be caught flat-footed,” Bonta said in in interview Thursday in Washington. “Fortunately and unfortunately, we have four years of Trump 1.0. We know some of the moves and priorities; we expect them to be different.”

Bonta, a Democrat who is mulling a run for governor, said he has been reviewing the work of his predecessor, Xavier Becerra, who filed more than 100 suits against Trump policies before leaving the office to become Biden’s secretary of Health and Human Services. Bonta and his deputies are also looking closely at a document drafted by the Heritage Foundation, a Trump-aligned think tank, known as “Project 2025,” that offers a blueprint for Trump’s second-term policy goals.

California’s slate of Democratic politicians have long seen themselves as a bulwark against conservative policies, never more so than during Trump’s presidency, when the state became the de facto headquarters of the so-called resistance. The challenges to Trump, while popular with many supporters, at times put Democrats in the awkward position of asserting states’ rights after long advocating for standards that would apply across the country. Critics said the constant lawsuits were politically motivated and distracted from the attorney general’s other duties, including protecting consumers.

The challenges also helped Trump politically at times, as it allowed him to use the state as a foil when he failed to carry out some of his agenda.

With states growing increasingly polarized, attorneys general from both red and blue states now play high-profile roles in feuding with the federal government when it’s run by the opposite political party. The Obama administration was sued 58 times by Republican attorneys general, according to a tally maintained by Paul Nolette, a political science professor at Marquette University. Since Biden has been in office, GOP attorneys general have filed 55 lawsuits against his administration’s policies.

The figures represent a substantial increase from prior administrations. And the lawyers have generally won. Republican attorneys general beat Obama in court 64% of the time, and they are defeating Biden at a 76% rate, according to Nolette. Democratic attorneys general, who sued Trump 155 times, won 83% of the time.

Bonta singled out several efforts to thwart Trump, including former Gov. Jerry Brown’s decision to sign the Paris climate accord after Trump dropped out “to maintain that leadership role in the world that we’re gonna continue with climate action.”

Remember, Rob Bonta was the same guy that wanted car companies to RECALL their cars because of theft…?

Don’t blame the thieves. It’s the car makers fault for making them to steal-able.


Anything to avoid calling out the guilty.


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