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HUGE: Barron Trump Will Make His Political Debut, Here’s How

President Trump’s youngest son, Barron Trump, is set to make his debut in politics.

Barron Trump has been officially selected by Florida’s GOP to serve as a delegate for Florida at the Republican National Convention.

Barron, who turned 18 in March, was selected by the Florida GOP as an at-large delegate.

Other members of Trump’s family selected were Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump, and Laura Trump.

The announcement by the RNC is huge, considering Barron Trump’s political stance has been hidden from the public eye.

Per CNN:

Former President Donald Trump’s youngest son, Barron Trump, was selected by the Florida GOP as an at-large delegate for Florida at the Republican National Convention, according to a list of delegates obtained by CNN.

Barron, who turned 18 in March, joins several other family members – Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Tiffany Trump – who were also selected. Steve Witkoff, Trump’s longtime friend and luxury real estate developer, along with Trump ally Sergio Gor are also listed as delegates.

CNN has reached out to the Trump campaign for comment.

NBC News was first to report on Barron Trump’s selection.


Here’s what ABC News reported:

Barron Trump, the youngest child of former President Donald Trump, was chosen as one of Florida’s at-large delegates for the Republican National Convention, according to a list of delegates obtained by ABC News.

In response to the news of Barron Trump being selected as one of Florida’s at-large delegates to the Republican National Convention, a Trump campaign official told ABC News that the former president’s youngest son is “very interested” in the political process.

“Yes, he’s on the delegation roster and Barron is very interested in our nation’s political process,” the campaign official said.

Other Trump family members who have played an active role in Trump’s presidential campaign will also serve as at-large delegates, including Trump’s older sons, Eric Trump, Don Jr. Trump and his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Trump’s youngest daughter, Tiffany Trump.


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