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Newly Unredacted Documents Reveal Depth Of FBI Surveillance, Not Even Trump Force One Was Safe

The unredacted documents have conclusively shown what we have all deeply suspected for years—the deep state was, and is, engaged in an orchestrated coup against President Trump.

As part of operation “Plasmic Echo” the FBI considered conducting a surveillance operation on the former President’s private jet, Trump Force One.

Sources say that the objective of the proposed spying was to locate any potentially classified documents aboard the plane.

However, this part of the operation was reportedly never carried out. Journalists and political pundits dissected the troubling reports:

Newsweek provided the exact text from the unredacted documents proposing the surveillance of President Trump’s private plane:

Among the documents Judge Cannon released on Monday was an FBI update from June 3, 2022, in which a figure from the agency’s counterintelligence division, whose name is redacted, discusses conducting “loose surveillance on FPOTUS’s [former president of the United States] plane to determine if boxes are loaded onto the plane.”

Below are the documents initiating the Plasmic Echo operation, which represents one of the latest coup and sabotage operations against the 45th President.

Operation Crossfire Hurricane represents the most notable deep state operation against President Trump.

The Hill outlined the laws the political establishment is using to conduct a witch hunt against President Trump:

Trump is largely being prosecuted under the Espionage Act, which bars the willful retention of national defense information.

He is also charged with obstruction of justice for seeking to conceal the records from authorities after they demanded their return, and prosecutors argued the Presidential Records Act had no bearing on Trump’s ability to retain the documents.


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