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Here Are the 19 Republicans Who Voted DOWN Mike Johnson’s FISA Spy Program Renewal Bill

Well, this is a pleasant surprise…

Today, the House voted against a FISA bill brought to the floor by Mike Johnson by a significant margin of 193-228.

19 Republicans joined Democrats in blocking the bill from passing.

Check it out:

You’ll recall that FISA, which stands for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, allows for warrantless surveillance and was used to spy on Trump’s campaign.

If it had passed, Mike Johnson’s bill would have reauthorized FISA’s powers, which are scheduled to expire next week.

Earlier today, President Trump had called for Congress to “KILL FISA” in a Truth Social post.

Lauren Boebert, who voted NO on the FISA bill, spoke out against it on X:

Matt Gaetz was another name among the Republicans who voted against the warrantless surveillance bill:

Here’s a complete list of the 19 Republicans who voted NO on the FISA bill:

The Hill reported on the blockage of the FISA renewal bill:

A group of House Republicans on Wednesday tanked a procedural vote to begin debate on a bill to reauthorize the nation’s warrantless surveillance powers, leaving the chamber scrambling on how to address the important spy tool before it expires next week.

Nineteen Republicans joined Democrats in voting against a rule for legislation to renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), blocking the measure from advancing 193-228.

The move comes after former President Trump on Wednesday urged Republicans to “KILL FISA” — throwing a wrench in an already contentious debate.

The failed vote marks yet another instance of members of the GOP tanking what is typically a routine party-line vote to protest legislation put forward by leadership.

Led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and other MAGA-aligned conservatives, the group offered conflicting rationales for blocking the bill.

They were upset with Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) for backing the legislation without a warrant requirement, even though their upheaval means the warrant amendment they insisted has broad support will no longer get a vote.

CBS News added:

A bill that would reauthorize a crucial national security surveillance program was blocked Wednesday by a conservative revolt in the House, pushing the prospects of final passage into uncertainty amid a looming deadline. The legislative impasse also follows an edict earlier in the day from former President Donald Trump to “kill” the measure.

The legislative breakdown comes months after a similar process to reform and reauthorize the surveillance program fell apart before it even reached the House floor. Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican of Louisiana, has called the program “critically important” but has struggled to find a path forward on the issue, which has been plagued by partisan bickering for years. The procedural vote to bring up the bill failed 193-228. Nineteen Republicans voted no.

The bill under consideration would renew the surveillance program with a series of reforms meant to satisfy critics who complained of civil liberties violations against Americans. But Republican critics complained that those changes did not go far enough, calling into doubt whether the bill backed by the Biden administration and Johnson would have enough votes to advance.

This may be a short-term win for protecting our freedom and preventing illegal campaign spying in the future — but, the battle is not over yet.

Mike Johnson has already vowed to come up with another plan to get FISA renewed:

As Tucker Carlson pointed out:


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