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NIH-Funded Lab Under The Microscope After Concerning Report Surfaces, Wuhan 2.0?

People never learn, or, at the very least, they learn through the hardest of ways.

It is a curious and unfortunate feature of our species that it takes great hardship and tragedy to learn, change, evolve, and adapt—perhaps this is why God allows hardship and tragedy into our lives in the first place.

Seldom does one change in a meaningful way independent of struggle and hardship. It often takes hitting “rock bottom” or a disaster to change us permanently.

At the same time, individuals and groups of people will seldom consciously choose the path of hardship and disaster to pursue self-development; why would they?

Our society is at a point in our development that is characterized by a struggle with science and technology.

Having recently discovered both the scientific process and advanced technological development, our species is playing with fire, so to speak.

Do not mistake my words, science and technology are both wonderful and have changed the human story in a positive way, but, as with any tool, the learning curve is steep.

History often happens to us faster than we can comprehend, and this process is speeding up exponentially due to advances in science and technology.

If I could pick a particular archetype to characterize our age it would be the mad scientist.

Hellbent on pursuing scientific discoveries and technological advancement at any price, these people throw out the baby with the bathwater and propose insane ideas like forced population decline, eugenics, gender reassignment surgeries, and gain-of-function research.

If ever there was a doubt about this, the man-made Covid-19 outbreak and the ensuing mass experiment with mRNA gene therapies laid these doubts to rest forever.

The outbreak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology should have been a lesson to humanity not to mess with benign pathogens and make them more deadly.

To 90% of humanity this was already obvious. Unfortunately, to the 10% or less who are actually involved in this type of research, the lesson was not learned, and I fear it never will.

The NIH is now funding a Wuhan-style laboratory in Fort Collins, Colorado, and a recent report from the White Coat Waste Project highlights all the problems inherent in the troubling laboratory research.

White Coat Waste’s damning report outlines 64 separate accidents at the lab and sounded the alarm on the troubling and unnecessary animal testing going on at the facility.

Despite the troubling incidents, our tax money is still being used to fund this laboratory on U.S. soil and no doubt dozens of similar facilities worldwide. Here’s what we currently know:

According to Just The News:

The new CSU lab will collaborate with NIH’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories to “assess the susceptibility of bats to Nipah virus and ebolaviruses,” according to a 2021 proposal by CSU’s Arthropod-borne and Infectious Disease Laboratory.

Nipah’s case fatality rate for humans is 40-75%, the World Health Organization estimates.

“You know how we were funding animal torture in the Wuhan lab and it created a pandemic that killed millions and shut down the global economy? Good news. Now we’re doing the same thing in Colorado, with the same partners. And you’re paying for it,” Conservative-libertarian independent media host Hannah Cox commented.

Late last year, Daily Mail reported:

The multi-million-dollar project is a collaboration between Dr Anthony Fauci’s old department at the National Institutes of Health, Colorado State University (CSU) and EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), a controversial research group at the center of the Covid lab leak theory.

Proposals seen by this website show how the 14,000sq-ft facility could store and study some of the most transmissible pathogens on the planet – including Ebola, Nipah virus and Covid-19.


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