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Armed Haitians Arrive In Florida With Night Vision – Gov. DeSantis Signs Bill To Combat Invasion

One if by land.

Two if by sea.

Three if by sea but they’ve got night vision.

On Friday Gov.DeSantis gave a press conference in which he shared infomation regarding immigrants crossing the border.

Unlike the Southern Border, Florida’s invaders generally come over by boat.

And this time these illegals weren’t just armed, they had drugs and night vision goggles.

Does that sound like poor misunderstood asylum seekers?

Or does it sound like a guerrilla group?

NewsNation reports:

WINTER HAVEN, Fla. (NewsNation) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis laid out his administration’s plans Friday for how the state is preparing for the possible influx of immigrants fleeing mass violence in Haiti.

“Given the situation that is happening in Haiti — some brutal reports that are happening — we want to make sure that we are protecting Floridians,” DeSantis said Friday at a news conference.

DeSantis warned that any person who gets on a boat and tries to come to the U.S. through Florida from Haiti will be intercepted and deported back to their country. He has urged those who plan on attempting this to avoid taking these steps, especially since it is a hazardous feat.

“It’s a hazardous journey, it’s not worth doing and we have the resources that are going to continue to keep the people of Florida safe,” he said.

On Wednesday, the governor announced he would be deploying over 250 state officers to secure the Florida border from potential migrants entering from Haiti.

“Given the circumstances in Haiti, I have directed the Division of Emergency Management, the Florida State Guard, and state law enforcement agencies to deploy over 250 additional officers and soldiers and over a dozen air and sea craft to the southern coast of Florida to protect our state,” DeSantis said in a statement.

DeSantis added that “no state has done more to supplement the (under-resourced) U.S. Coast Guard’s interdiction efforts; we cannot have illegal aliens coming to Florida.”

Chaos has unfolded in Haiti over the past weeks, as criminal gangs have used violence to take power in the capital of Port-au-Prince.

The nation has witnessed violence as gangs have attacked prisons and the main airport, forcing businesses and schools to close. Food and water have been scarce, and an estimated 15,000 people have been forced from their homes in Port-au-Prince.

But Rolling Stones said these cannibal Haitians are kind and peaceful.

Those mean ol’ Right-Wingers.

Why won’t they just let these peaceful cannibals in to our country?

As someone in the comments pointed out, surely Mr. Musk has more intel than a music magazine.

Liberals are also trying to normalize cannibalism.

I was saying this back in 2017 when Drew Barrymore came out with her show called Santa Clarita Diet.

It’s pretty disturbing so I decided against putting the trailer for it here.

Needless to say, it’s all about cannibalism.

Here’s a flashback to CNN hanging out with peaceful cannibals:

Also, NPR wrote an article on how cannibalism is perfectly normal:

But maybe they have other plans besides cannibalism…


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