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WATCH: Dana Carvey Does HILARIOUS Impression Of Resident-In-Chief!

We all saw that clown speech designed to propagandize the public, and now Biden is receiving the proper heat he deserves.

Biden’s State of the Union speech was one of the worst I have ever seen—it wasn’t a State of the Union Address at all, it was simply a masterclass in propaganda.

Very little relating to the current state of America was discussed. The past and hypothetical future scenarios were discussed, but the current state of America was curiously left out—I wonder why?

Raging inflation, a massive border crisis, two wars, and the complete collapse of public trust in our institutions will be the enduring legacy of the Biden administration.

The comedic and entertainment communities are finally waking up to these inconvenient facts instead of simply being loyal scribes for the Democrat Party.

Here’s comedian Dana Carvey doing a hilarious impression of Joe Biden in the wake of Biden’s ridiculous speech:

Fox News detailed the hilarious skit:

Carvey says a member of the press asks the president how he’s going to handle the crisis at the border when Biden calmly responds, “First of all, let’s get our facts straight.

There’s no crisis at the border. C’mon.”

Carvey continues: “And [the press goes], ‘How do you know, sir?’”

“Cause it says so on the piece of paper!” Carvey’s Biden replies as he holds up a sheet of paper. “Says it on the paper right there.”

Senator Ted Cruz had this to say about the speech: “Biden’s State of the Union speech was unlike anything I’ve seen before. He was angry and bitter for over an hour. The speech was meant to appease the Squad.”

The New York Post dissected another one of Carvey’s skits aimed at yet another criminal—Anthony Fauci:

The two poked fun at Fauci’s COVID-19 guidance throughout the years of the coronavirus pandemic, with Carvey giving his best impression of Fauci trying to convince Americans to take a daily COVID shot that grants immunity for up to 39 seconds.

Carvey’s bit of satire had Spade and the rest of the podcast’s production crew laughing out loud on set.


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