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Shock Poll: Trump CRUSHING Biden +9 Points Among These New Yorkers

A stunning new poll is showing President Trump’s strength in New York state.

Not only is New York a reliably blue state, but it also has a large Jewish population.

Jewish voters have overwhelmingly favored Democrats.

Well, not any more.

A new poll shows President Trump crushing Biden by at least 9 points among Jewish voters in New York.

Again, New York is deep blue.

If Trump is doing this well among a historically blue demographic in such a liberal state, how well must he be doing across the country?

This news comes as President Trump continues to make inroads across the country.

For example, Trump is polling at records among blacks and Hispanics.

The National Review confirms:

Donald Trump is currently beating President Biden by nine points among Jewish voters in New York, 53 percent to 44 percent, according to a new poll from Siena College.

The results are pretty remarkable considering that Jewish voters typically vote overwhelmingly Democratic, particularly in New York, and Trump has not been historically popular among the demographic. The poll does not have enough detail on the group to draw definitive conclusions, but it comes at a time when Jews have witnessed the explosion of antisemitism on the left following the October 7 attacks, and when Biden has been increasingly hostile toward Israel’s efforts to use force to defend itself.

Biden’s turn against Israel and unwillingness to combat antisemitism on his side has been accompanied by reports suggesting that Democratic operatives are concerned that Muslim voters staying home could cost him Michigan. But little focus has been put on what happens to his standing if he abandons Israel in pursuit of Muslim votes.

No Republican in recent history has won the Jewish vote.

If President Trump becomes the first, Joe Biden and the Democrats are in for a reckoning in November.

This could be a historic shift that potentially changes politics forever.

Democrats have increasingly embraced radical policies.

It appears as if the left is not only apathetic towards Israel, but is actually pro-Hamas!

Unfortunately, no one from the White House is pushing back against this.

One can only assume that Biden will cave to the crazy demands of his radical base.

No wonder Jewish voters are flocking to President Trump for safety!

Newsmax has more details:

Jewish voters traditionally have been among the most fervent supporters of Democrat presidential candidates, but a new poll shows former President Donald Trump has a 9-point lead over Joe Biden among Jews in New York state, which has the nation’s largest Jewish population.

The poll by Siena College released Tuesday showed Trump, the front-runner for the Republican nomination, with a 53%-44% lead over Biden among New York’s Jewish voters in a two-way race and a 46%-38% lead in a four-way race with independents Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West. The poll surveyed 806 registered voters in New York, 8% of whom were Jewish, from Feb. 12-14, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.2 percentage points.

The poll results are quite remarkable given Trump’s poor standing among Jewish voters nationwide in each of his presidential campaigns. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won 71% of the Jewish vote to Trump’s 24%, and in 2020, Biden won 68% to Trump’s 30% according to the Jewish Virtual Library, which showed the last time a Republican presidential candidate won the Jewish vote was Warren Harding in 1920.

The switch to Trump could be attributed to an explosive rise in antisemitism since Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists attacked in southern Israel on Oct. 7, and the Biden administration’s sometimes hostile relations toward Israel, especially on defending itself in its war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Plus, a Harvard/Harris nationwide poll in January found that by a 4-to-1 ratio (80%-20%), Americans supported Israel in its war against Hamas.

It appears that the Trump coalition is growing broader and more diverse each day.

Don’t be surprised if Democrats turn up their “lawfare” against President Trump!

They know they can’t win against him fair and square.

So they will pull whatever levers they can, including in the legal system to thwart him.

But will it work?

Only time can tell, but you can help us fight back by sharing this excellent news with your friends!


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