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SUNDAY GOSPEL: Think On These Things

Hey friends,

Noah here and I’m back with another Sunday Gospel Message for you on this fine afternoon.

And I’m very happy to feature our good friend Pastor Robb Goodman, who is once again healthy enough to be back in the saddle and bringing you this message.

From Pastor Robb:

The word of God tells us what type of things we are to think about.

What are we supposed to be putting our minds on?

Today, we will study many verses that will show us what we are told by God to think about.

This message will build up your Faith and call you to walk in a deeper level with the Lord.

He loves you and he loves our nation very, very much.

I pray the message blesses you and ministers to you in a deep spiritual way.

Please continue to pray for our Real President Donald Trump 🙏.  Amen.

Pastor Robb Goodman Sr Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA




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