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WikiLeaks Whistleblower Sentenced For Massive CIA Leak, Vault 7

The powers that be sure don’t like WikiLeaks.

Anyone attached to it seems to be in their crosshairs.

And their most recent target is whistleblower, Joshua Schulte, the man who allegedly gave the biggest CIA leak to WikiLeaks, called Vault 7.

ABC News reports:

Joshua Schulte, who was convicted of orchestrating the largest leak of classified material in CIA history, was sentenced to 40 years in prison Thursday.

Schulte, 35, handed WikiLeaks a trove of CIA cyber espionage tools known as Vault 7, in what federal prosecutors called “some of the most heinous, brazen violations of the Espionage Act in American history.” He was convicted in July 2022 of illegally handling classified information and obstruction of justice after an earlier trial had ended in a hung jury.

WikiLeaks began publishing the classified data from the stolen CIA files, the first of 26 disclosures, on March 7, 2017.

The phrase ‘the pot calling the kettle black’ comes to mind.

NBC added:

Former CIA officer Joshua Adam Schulte, 35, was convicted of the so-called Vault 7 leak, and also of possessing child sexual abuse images, in two trials in 2022 and 2023.

Damian Williams, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan, said Thursday that Schulte betrayed his country.

“He caused untold damage to our national security in his quest for revenge against the CIA for its response to Schulte’s security breaches while employed there,” Williams said in a statement after the sentence was imposed.

Prosecutors had asked for a life sentence.

Schulte, who left the CIA in 2016, “stands convicted of some of the most heinous, brazen violations of the Espionage Act in American history,” prosecutors said in their sentencing memo to the judge, adding that he stole “an arsenal of extremely sensitive intelligence-gathering cyber-tools” from the CIA and handed it to WikiLeaks, “which in turn publicized it to America’s adversaries” in 2017.

Were those images planted?

You know how these people operate.

Question everything.


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