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UPDATE: Arizona Republican Chair Offers Bizarre Response To Kari Lake Leaked Audio

We live in a crazy, mixed-up world. A world where the aggressors play the victim and the disgraced act as the virtuous.

WLTR recently reported on the leaked audio released by Kari Lake’s team. Jeff DeWit also resigned from his position, but his resignation letter and overall response were completely bizarre, to say the least.

DeWit claimed that it was Kari Lake who was at fault and essentially bore zero responsibility for this actions.

Moreover, the now-former Arizona Republican Chairman claimed that these conversations did not represent bribery, but, rather, conversations he had with Lake as a friend.

Jeff DeWit also hinted that possible legal action might soon ensue due to the release of the tapes.

The fact that DeWit refused to accept responsibility and his bizarre response are both baffling, but they indicate where we are heading as a country.

Alexander Issajewitsch Solschenizyn, the legendary Russian writer, once explained that the tyranny of communism was built on every lie both big and small, public and private.

This aggregate of lies, an affront to the truth, was, in his estimation, what led to the deaths of 100 million people in the 20th century.

DeWit could have simply resigned quietly and not said anything at all; better yet, he could have actually accepted responsibility. The opposite happened, and this represents where we are currently at as a nation.

Take a look at the resignation statement DeWit released on Wednesday:

Axios provided this response from Lake’s team regarding DeWitt’s bizarre PR response:

The tape speaks for itself … thankfully Kari is an extremely ethical person who rejected DeWit’s multiple attempts to offer her money and corporate board seats in exchange for Kari not running for public office,” Lake senior advisers Caroline Wren and Garrett Ventry said in a statement to Axios.

Collin Rugg shared the damning leaked audio of DeWit allegedly attempting to bribe Lake and stated:

“There should be a much bigger punishment besides a forced resignation. Despite resigning, DeWit bizarrely blasted the audio footage, claiming it was a “deceptive tactic” and a “selectively edited audio recording.”

He also appeared to suggest that legal action may be taken.”

CNN featured more of the response from Kari Lake’s team:

“No one from the Kari Lake campaign threatened or blackmailed DeWit,” Wren and Ventry said in a statement.

“It is unfortunate that Dewit hasn’t recognized how unethical his behavior was and still hasn’t apologized to Arizona Republicans.”


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