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BREAKING: Biden Administration Considering Partial WITHDRAWAL Of U.S. Forces From Middle East

Why are there U.S. troops stationed in the Middle East in the first place?

Foreign expeditions and interventionism have been an utter disaster for both our people and the global community. Our dwindling middle class is perhaps the worst symptom of this malady.

Never-ending global wars that are paid for through debt financing have massively inflated our currency and made us less safe—not more. It never pays to be hated for endlessly bombing people; it’s a poor PR strategy.

With the current geopolitical landscape being a powder keg right now and fears of an extended global conflict in the Middle East growing, the Biden administration is in dire straits.

After four years of relative peace under President Trump, the world is now in danger of plunging into World War III.

U.S. forces are taking heavy casualties in Eastern Syria and are facing attacks on outposts in Iraq.

Amid the increasing attacks, the Biden administration is now considering removing U.S. troops from Eastern Syria in hopes of preventing a larger-scale conflict from exploding in the region.

I think for once I agree with the Biden administration, but U.S. troops shouldn’t be in any country except for the United States.

A larger-scale conflict is almost inevitable now because one good decision is not going to undo decades of awful foreign policy.

The CIA needs to stop orchestrating coups, the military-industrial complex must end or lose its stranglehold over the country, U.S. troops need to come back home, and we need to stop sending money overseas. OSINT Defender provided this breaking update:

“Members of the Biden Administration alongside Allied Defense Officials are reportedly now discussing a possible Withdrawal of U.S. and Coalition Forces from Eastern Syria due to ongoing Attacks by Iranian-Backed Forces, alongside a Reconsideration of Military Priorities for the Middle East Region.

This Withdrawal would likely be a Major Blow to Allied Kurdish Forces in Northeastern Syria as well as the continuation of Operation Inherent Resolve, the Fight against the Islamic State.”

Previously, Collin Rugg reported: “President Biden has launched airstrikes in eastern Syria after US troops were attacked 42 times since mid-October. The strikes were conducted by two F-15s on a weapons storage facility.

The announcement was made by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III.

“Today, at President Biden’s direction, U.S. military forces conducted a self-defense strike on a facility in eastern Syria used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups.”

“This strike was conducted by two U.S. F-15s against a weapons storage facility. This precision self-defense strike is a response to a series of attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by IRGC-Quds Force affiliates.”

Here is a clip of Biden warning that Trump was going to get the United States into war with Iran. Turns out *he* was the one to do it.”

The Epoch Times had more on the deteriorating situation in Syria:

Ms. Singh did not specify the number of U.S. personnel injured in the spate of attacks.

However, in mid-November, she did provide an update on the number of casualties in similar attacks on U.S. bases in the two countries, saying a total of 59 U.S. service members were injured in 55 separate attacks since October.

The Montana Libertarian Party shared some wise words: “We should not be in Syria. Montana National Guard units were deployed to Syria last year, and there are about 300 US troops in Eastern Syria now.

Since Congress refused to pass Matt Gaetz’s War Powers Resolution to withdraw from Syria, the Montana legislature should pass the Defend the Guard Act to prohibit Montana National Guard units from being sent to war without a congressional declaration.”

Reuters featured this related development from Iraq:

Iraq wants a quick and orderly negotiated exit of U.S-led military forces from its soil but has not set a deadline, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said, describing their presence as destabilising amid regional spillover from the Gaza war.

Longstanding calls by mostly Shi’ite Muslim factions, many close to Iran, for the U.S-led coalition’s departure have gained steam after a series of U.S. strikes on Iran-linked militant groups that are also part of Iraq’s formal security forces.


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