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Netflix Now Facing Bud-Light Style Boycott, Here’s Why

I can’t remember if I canceled my Netflix subscription in response to the Cuties controversy or before that happened.

It has been so long that I can’t quite remember which straw broke the proverbial camel’s back—it has been several years since I have paid for the service, and I likely never will again.

Aside from being a massive waste of time, and increasingly more expensive for poorer selections, Netflix enjoys kowtowing to far-left ideologies.

Everything from transgender ideology to the re-writing of history dominates the content on the platform, remember Cleopatra? I checked it out one day at a friend’s house, that trash was completely unwatchable.

Conservatives are now calling for a Bud Light-style boycott against Netflix due to its children’s show CoComelon Lane, which featured a boy dancing in a dress for his two gay dads. The show is purportedly aimed at toddlers.

At the same time this is happening, calls are growing from the left to boycott Netflix over its pro-Israel political views. Can Netflix survive a boycott from both ends of the political spectrum?

Earlier this year, Newsweek touched on this poll that revealed:

Respondents were asked if they would be willing to boycott watching a streaming service and cancel their subscriptions if it put out content they disagreed with or expressed support for a political cause that they opposed.

Fifty-two percent of Netflix users said that they would “absolutely” boycott and cancel in such a scenario, while 23 percent answered “yes, maybe.”

Twenty-six percent said that this would not do so.

Richard Saunders explained: “Netflix just released its viewership numbers for the first time covering a six-month period. On Netflix alone, Americans watched over 100 billion hours or 12.58 days. Screens now command our lives for better or worse. Methinks for worse as I touch this screen. Your view?”

Surprisingly enough, Netflix is also facing calls to boycott from the left over allegations that Netflix is a pro-Zionist platform with pro-Zionist owners. Is the company in trouble?

The Hill provided even more reasons to boycott Netflix:

In 2023, Netflix’s stock has already soared over 40 percent.

Those who think that the current actors’ and writers’ strikes are having much of an impact on investors’ outlook for Netflix’s future profits are fooling themselves.

Executives at Netflix, and at the many other tech companies seeking to automate jobs, care far more about losing customers than employees.


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