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Former Rep. Madison Cawthorn: “I TOLD You! “

Looks like former Rep. Madison Cawthorn was right, and he is not hiding that fact.

WLTR recently reported on a Democrat Staffer who filmed himself having gay sex with another Democrat in the Senate hearing chambers.

In response to this, former Rep. Madison Cawthorn posted three simple words to the X social platform: “I told you.”

Recall that Madison Cawthorn sounded the alarm on D.C. debauchery right before he was unceremoniously attacked and reprimanded by the likes of Kevin McCarthy.

In a 2022 interview, Cawthorn detailed the wild orgies and cocaine-fueled parties that characterized social circles in the nation’s Capitol and likened it to the television show “House of Cards.”

It was then that he was approached by several senior-level D.C. lawmakers and told to calm his rhetoric. Here’s what he had to say:

NBC News provided this update:

“Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate,” the Maryland Democrat’s office said in a statement to NBC News on Saturday.

On Friday night, Maese-Czeropski put up a post on LinkedIn saying while he had shown “poor judgement” in the past, he “would never disrespect my workplace.”

Collin Rugg reminded readers: “In 2022, then-NC Rep. Madison Cawthorn blew the whistle on the filth that goes on in D.C., saying he had been invited to o*rgies & drug parties.

He was immediately slandered by the media & politicians, who weeks later released photos of him in women’s clothing.

Today, video was leaked of a Democrat Senate staffer having gay s*x in the Senate hearing room.

Cawthorn was right, but unfortunately D.C. is good at one thing and one thing only: Blackmailing people so they can continue to live their double lives, similar to what they did to Cawthorn.

What you saw today is just the tip of the iceberg. Washington D.C. is beyond corrupt and beyond disgusting.”

The New York Post added:

Maese-Czeropski previously was featured in an ad for President Biden — earning a shoutout from his mother’s now deleted X account.

“Thank you for including my son, Aidan Maese-Czeropski, in your thoughtful message to everyone who has supported you,” the staffer’s mother said in a November 2020 post.

“He has worked tirelessly with the DNC of Virginia. Congratulations to All!!”


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