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Remembering The Great Florence Littauer

This is a bit off our normal beaten path around here, and I hope that’s ok with you….

…but I think you’re going to really enjoy this!

If you’ve ever wanted to return to “simpler times” or go back to when life made sense, I’m about to take you there.

Far, far before Woke ruined our world, people like Florence Littauer were dishing out life advice in a humorous but also hard hitting manner that would no doubt offend Liberals today.

But we need a whole lot more people like Florence in the world, I am 100% sure about that.

In case you don’t know here, you’re in for a big treat!

And here is a short bio:

Florence Littauer, born Florence Chapman on April 27, 1928, and passing on July 11, 2020, was a prominent American Christian self-help author and public speaker. She left an indelible mark through her series of books based on the Personality Plus personality system. Over her 50-year career, she authored over 40 books and engaged hundreds of thousands of people both in the United States and internationally, disseminating messages of hope, encouragement, and understanding​​​​.

Her exceptional writing included notable works such as “Personality Plus,” “After Every Wedding Comes a Marriage,” and “Looking for God in All the Right Places.” In addition to her literary contributions, Littauer was an award-winning public speaker who not only addressed audiences herself but also educated and trained numerous other speakers, sharing her vast knowledge and experience​​.

Littauer’s educational background was equally impressive. She graduated with honors in speech from the University of Massachusetts and went on to teach at the University of Connecticut. Her versatility extended beyond writing and speaking; she directed musical comedies, provided fashion commentary for R.H. Macy’s, and was part of the founding staff of the Long Wharf Theater in New Haven, Connecticut.

Moreover, her excellence in public speaking was recognized with prestigious awards. She was one of the few women in the United States to receive both the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation and the Council of Peers Award of Excellence (CPAE) from the National Speakers Association, marking her as a distinguished figure in her field​​.

Florence Littauer’s life and work were characterized by her dedication to uplifting and empowering others through her words, whether spoken or written, making her a notable figure in the world of Christian self-help literature and public speaking.

Her teachings were life-changing and formational to many people, helping millions understand how God made them…and how to best relate to other people.

She was perhaps best known for her “Silver Boxes” message, which you can watch here on Rumble:

And here on X:

And for a longer teaching, here is an 8 part series that really showcases why she was loved by so many…

Parts 1&2:

Parts 3&4:

Parts 5&6:

Parts 7&8:

And backups of those from X:

Parts 1&2:

Parts 3&4:

Parts 5&6:

Parts 7&8:


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