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As Many Expect Mask Mandates To Return At Election Time, North Carolina Just WENT ON THE OFFENSIVE

Liberals are mega mad today.


Well, North Carolina’s Senate made a logical decision about masks; they passed a bill that banned them in public.

So, naturally they’re having a meltdown.

“But what about chemo patients!”

Yeah, that’s who we see wearing masks, isn’t it? Chemo patients in their car wearing masks?

Not likely.

It’s all those that, as someone aptly put it, have ‘mask-hangover’ from the corona panic days.

This was actually a really smart move because we know the puppet masters are planning another mask mandate and massive protests before the election and they’re going to want to wear masks to conceal their identity.

But now they don’t have that privilege anymore, at least, not in North Carolina.

CBS News reports:

The state Senate on Wednesday passed a bill that would bring back pre-COVID restrictions on wearing masks.

The bill, titled “Unmasking Mobs and Criminals,” passed along party lines by a margin of 30-15 and comes amid recent protests on college campuses. Republicans say the aim is to stop people from wearing masks to conceal their identities while committing crimes.

However, the bill goes further than that and would repeal an exception that’s been in state law since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic that allows people to wear masks for health and safety reasons. Doing so would become illegal again.

“If I were not permitted to wear a mask in public, it would greatly limit which spaces I could visit. And, for me, this is an access issue,” Quisha Mallette, of the North Carolina Justice Center, told lawmakers as she urged them to oppose the measure.

Here’s a photo of one mask-wearer during the debate.

Was this just for theatrics?

How many videos have we seen that showed politicans taking off their masks when they thought the cameras stopped rolling? Plenty.

Why is it that Democrats seem to be for everything insane?

I can’t think of one issue where I can say, “You know, the Democrats are right about that.”

And these liberals will constantly use some form of White bashing to push their agenda.

Here they’re using the ‘so-the-KKK-can-wear-masks-but-not-the-sick’ argument.

Because that’s who we see running around attack everyone these days, right? I don’t think so.

Someone needs to call these race-baiters out each and every single time they pull this crap.


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