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The Mysterious Connections of DARPA, Facebook, Amazon, and Jeff Bezos’s Family History

Time to cue the Unsolved Mysteries theme song once more.

Are you familar with DARPA and it’s pet project, LifeLog?

Chances are you signed up for a LifeLog account and didn’t realize it.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

You see, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) developed Lifelog, a social media platform that gathered vast amounts of user information.

Strangely enough, it was reported on February 4, 2004, that it was shut down—the very day Facebook was launched to the public.

Adding to the mystery, Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, has a family tie to DARPA.

His grandfather, Lawrence Preston Gise, was a founding member of this agency.

Fast forward to 2018, revelations surfaced about Facebook engaging in a secretive data-sharing agreement with Amazon, contradicting its own privacy policies.

Moreover, Bezos’s grandfather, Lawrence, later served as the head of the Atomic Energy Commission.

And what happened on his watch?

He lost 300 lbs of uranium.

The very same ingredient needed for nuclear weapons.

Shortly afterwards, one country tests out their first nuclear weapon.

These events raise questions about the hidden connections between technology, government agencies, survelliance, and corporate figures.

This hints at a web of secret dealings that morphs numerous entities into one giant beast that the public has unknowingly befriended.

USA Today reported on June 2003:

Posted 6/2/2003 3:33 PM

Your life at your fingertips — courtesy of the Pentagon


Coming to you soon from the Pentagon: the diary to end all diaries — a multimedia, digital record of everywhere you go and everything you see, hear, read, say and touch.

Known as LifeLog, the project has been put out for contractor bids by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, the agency that helped build the Internet and that is now developing the next generation of anti-terrorism tools.

The Pentagon agency plans to award up to four 18-month contracts for LifeLog beginning this summer. Contracting documents give a sense of the project’s scope.

Cameras and microphones would capture what the user sees or hears; sensors would record what he or she feels. Global positioning satellite sensors would log every movement. Biomedical sensors would monitor vital signs. E-mails, instant messages, Web-based transactions, telephone calls and voicemails would be stored. Mail and faxes would be scanned. Links to every radio and television broadcast heard and every newspaper, magazine, book, Web site or database seen would be recorded.

Luckily it was “cancelled” 10 months later after criticism concerning the privacy issues.

Wired reported on Feb 4, 2004:

Pentagon Kills LifeLog Project

Noah Shachtman 02.04.04

The Pentagon canceled its so-called LifeLog project, an ambitious effort to build a database tracking a person’s entire existence.

Run by Darpa, the Defense Department’s research arm, LifeLog aimed to gather in a single place just about everything an individual says, sees or does: the phone calls made, the TV shows watched, the magazines read, the plane tickets bought, the e-mail sent and received. Out of this seemingly endless ocean of information, computer scientists would plot distinctive routes in the data, mapping relationships, memories, events and experiences.

LifeLog’s backers said the all-encompassing diary could have turned into a near-perfect digital memory, giving its users computerized assistants with an almost flawless recall of what they had done in the past. But civil libertarians immediately pounced on the project when it debuted last spring, arguing that

LifeLog could become the ultimate tool for profiling potential enemies of the state.

The very same day that article was written, another site goes live…

The original name was The Facebook:

So, it looks like they got most of us to get a LifeLog account by simply changing the name to “Facebook”.

And with Amazon’s CEO having ties to one of the founding members of DARPA, would that mean Bezos would get access to those user’s info?

Business Insider reported that Facebook has ties to Amazon in other ways:

  • Facebook had a secret data deal with Amazon which flouted its own privacy rules

  • Documents obtained by The New York Times show that Facebook had undisclosed deals with about 150 companies, including Amazon, giving them privileged access to user data.
  • The documents showed that, as of 2017, Amazon was able to get people’s names and emails via their Facebook friends, a practice which Facebook said it put an end to in 2014.
  • Amazon, in turn, supplied Facebook with contact lists to help the social network suggest more friend recommendations, the documents show.
  • Amazon told the Times that it used user data appropriately, but declined to comment on exactly how its partnership with Facebook worked.

A lot of behind-closed-doors deals happening between those two entities.

Here’s the post that started this investigation:


And old article cliping confirms Lawrence Gise was part of DARPA from the beginning and had grandchildren by the name Bezos.

NOVEMBER 16, 1995 C15 U.S. Atomic Agency Ex-Official, 80, Dies Journal Staff Report Lawrence Preston Gise, who headed the former Atomic Energy Commission’s Albuquerque Operations Office in the 1960s,

From 1958 to 1961, he was with the Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency, working on space technology and ballistic missile defense.

He was recently preceded in death by his son, Lawrence P. Gise Jr., and is survived by his daughter, Jackie Bezos of New Jersey; stepchildren Maureen Bell and C.W. Pickett, and five grandchildren..

Echoing someone in the comments, was the creation of Amazon a form of payout?

The Matrix is breaking as people are starting to ask questions and connect the dots.

Now let’s wrap this up by asking AI about this….

First we asked ChatGPT, which did the typical Far-Left “Fact Check” method of giving an opaque answer and claiming that every single detail can’t be verified to perhaps it may be untrue:

Did you catch it?

Oh “he didn’t *start* DARPA” but he did work there at the time and had significant roles.

Ok, thanks ChatGPT.

Meanwhile, the much more straightforward and unbiased AI — Grok — gave the truth right off the bat:

Grok knows.

Well done, Elon!


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