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Courtroom UPDATE: Trump Attorneys File DEMAND For Transparency, Truth Embargo Ending Soon?

Any time someone wants to obscure matters of public record they have nefarious intentions.

That being said, there are absolutely zero reasons not to televise the trials of a former President of the United States of America—none whatsoever.

The only reason I can think of to keep cameras out of the numerous orchestrated court cases against President Trump is because they don’t want people to see the blatant partiality and illegality of these hearings.

If people were allowed to see I believe they would be even angrier than they are now and he would have even more support.

Well, that darkness, the lack of transparency may all come to an end very soon.

Several media organizations are deeply interested in televising the Trump trials—every media organization loves ratings and money.

The initiative seems to be gaining steam as well. According to a recent court filing, President Trump’s legal team is supporting this initiative to televise the Trump trials.

Liz Harrington presented the corresponding legal documents and this statement from the Trump legal team: “The prosecution wishes to continue this travesty in darkness. President Trump calls for sunlight.”

As you can expect, the left-wing vociferously opposes televised Trump trials as can be evidenced by Jen Psaki’s latest segment.

The Hill reports:

“President Trump calls for sunlight,” the attorneys wrote. “Every person in America, and beyond, should have the opportunity to study this case firsthand and watch as, if there is a trial, President Trump exonerates himself of these baseless and politically motivated charges.”

MAGA Patriot Seidina writes: “Remember, they’re not allowing cameras or recording in the court room for the trial. That way they can tell the public anything they want. The judge tried to shorten Trump’s testimony. The Judge is disgusting.”

Even CNN argued that these cases should be televised:

With cameras documenting testimony from Trump or his former allies, it would be harder for him to lump the four different criminal cases together and write off documented evidence as a “witch hunt.”

While it was not televised or recorded, Trump’s behavior on the witness stand Monday could offer evidence to support placing cameras in the courts for his upcoming criminal trials.


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