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WATCH: Arlington GOP Poll Worker Confronted

A young, Arlington GOP poll worker was confronted on election day by a man levying accusations against the young poll worker, presumably for being a Republican.

Matthew Hurtt was handing out sample ballots outside of the polling place when he was confronted by the man.

At least one source claimed that the encounter was actually the second exchange between Hurtt and the unnamed individual in the video.

Below is the encounter filmed by Hurtt outside of the polling location in Arlington County Virginia:

The Washington Examiner’s Byron York provided background information on the incident:

“The story behind this exchange, from Matthew Hurtt, chairman of the Arlington GOP and maker of this video: ‘I was at my fourth polling location for the morning handing out Republican sample ballots.

I had already talked to the Democratic poll greeters and a few voters when this man approached me.

I offered a Republican sample ballot, and he flew into a rage, calling me names, spouting the sort of tropes you hear in the video.

Then he went inside to vote. I assumed he would come out afterwards and continue his verbal assault, so I turned on my phone camera and slid it into my shirt pocket. What you see in the video is actually the second exchange.”

Fox News didn’t fail to document the encounter:

Video footage shows a progressive voter approaching Matthew Hurtt, a poll worker and director of professional services at the Leadership Institute, in Arlington, Virginia, on Tuesday.

“You guys tried to overturn the election, you might as well have been walking up to my head on the way to the polling station and putting a gun to my head and try to tell me not to vote,” an unidentified man wearing an “I voted” sticker said.

NBC News 12 provided an update on the statewide election in Virginia:

A county spokesperson told NBC12 their 86 polling precincts saw a steady stream of voters casting their ballots for the 2023 election with a smooth turnout.

This morning, the Virginia Department of Elections did report a brief issue with poll books in Chesterfield.

“My understanding is that it was a select number of polling locations, and it was not countywide,” said Virginia Elections Commissioner Susan Beals.


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