Once again, Patrick Bet-David is doing incredible work exposing the EVILS of companies like BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard.
But mostly BlackRock…
You might not know about this if you don’t live in Florida, but homeowner’s insurance has gotten so out of control down there that many people can’t get it at all….not even available to purchase!
Those who can buy it are seeing prices go up by 4,000%.
Yes, you read that correct.
This is nuts folks….
And I know if you don’t live there then it may not be having a direct impact on your life, but understand this: what they’re testing out down there may soon roll out to ALL Red States.
That’s right, and that’s giving you a sneak peak at the reason PBD thinks this might be happening.
Simply put: is Florida being “punished” by BlackRock and its buddies for being a Red State?
Specifically, for fighting back against the evils of ESG?
If you don’t know what “ESG” is, I’ll explain farther down below in this article, but Elon Musk once famously said the “S” stands for “Satanic”.
He wasn’t joking.
So Florida says “we don’t want your ESG in our state” and what does BlackRock do?
Pulls some strings in the background to make sure homeowner’s insurance is so expensive or simply not available in that state?
Pretty devious.
Think about it…
Your home is the largest investment for almost everyone.
You also usually owe a lot of money against it (your mortgage) that you have to pay back whether or not the home is still there.
Which is why not having insurance could financially ruin you in the event of catastrophic damage like a flood, fire or hurricane.
So what do you do?
You live in Florida, love it there….
Your friends and family is there….
Your job is there….
And now suddenly you can’t get insurance and rates are now at 8%, so maybe you locked into a 2.75% and now you can’t get insurance — it’s a very serious question — what do you do?
Almost no good answers.
And THAT’S why this topic is so important.
And why I’m so glad PBD covered it today.
And remember, Patrick comes from the world of insurance, so he understands all of this very well.
Subject matter expert…and a very sharp guy who knows how the world works!
Please watch his video for the FULL breakdown:
And for those who always ask me for a transcript, no problem!
I’ve got you covered:
so a recent article came out with news week talking about insurance premium in the State of Florida is up in some places 900% and you read this articles oh my
God this whole Florida thing maybe it’s a gimmick maybe they’re not doing as good of a job and if you look at the article it says 275,000 people left the state of Florida
in some places premiums gone from $1,700 to $4,200 per year how are people making these things happen Farmers massive company just announced they’re leaving
the State of Florida it was so bad that the CFO ofor Jimmy came out and said Farmers is the Budweiser anheiser Bush of the insurance industry because they
follow this ESG score so what is really going on in Florida are they targeting the SST are they targeting Florida because they had the best reputation
during Co and California got destroyed who knows what I do know is we got all these slides to go through today on what the hell is going on in Florida with
ADVERTISEMENTinsurance okay so if you get value out of this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel but listen to the people from California you’re
watching this video saying oh my gosh finally Redemption time he’s going to attack Florida and California is going to come back to being the winner hang
tight listen the reason why I have a different perspective than some of you is for the following reason imagine if a man had dated Marilyn Monroe Elizabeth
Taylor and Sophia Lauren to me all dimes right he can probably give you a perspective on all three now I have not dated those three okay but I have dated
California for 24 years I dated Texas for 5 years and I’m still dating Florida for 2 and 1/2 years to kind of give you some context having said that before you
jump to conclusion whether you’re Pro Florida Pro Texas or Pro California Hank tight till the end of the video when you jump to conclusion wait for the data
let’s get right into it so stats home insurance premiums have tripled in the State of Florida the past 5 years Florida averages more than $4,200 per
year national average of $1,700 some insurance premiums have risen by nine times what they were in 2022 according to the chief executive of NSI Insurance
Group and construction cost has risen by 40% since 2017 again they give this data this is Florida this is what’s going out super expensive all right next one
Newsweek I told you earlier Florida resident flea state has insurance premiums Skyrocket up to 900% they’re not lying this is actually
happening in some places in Florida in the same article when people are reading staffs people don’t go and investigate even more they’re like oh my god did you
see how many people they said left how many 275,000 people estimated left Florida nearly 23,000 people every month and
according to the bureau they relocated a place like Georgia 46,000 Carolina 42,000 Tennessee 36 South Carolina 31 Texas 30,000 this must be a bad thing A
lot of people are leaving the State of Florida man we were all talking about how many people left California where they were kind of like since 1851 we’ve
never had this kind of numbers of people leaving California the whole U-Haul you know joke that they would say you know Gavin Nome is the number one U-Haul
salesman because he’s got so many people renting U-Haul to leave the state of California right so this shows Florida bad but when you go and look at US
Census Bureau of net positive versus Net negative guess who is still number one in that negative in 2022 you ready California you’re not going to like this
okay here you go you ever wonder why Jamie Diamond CEO of Chase has a $900 million art collection or Steve Cohen $1.1 billion art collection or Microsoft
has nearly a billion doll collection the company 5,000 art pieces in 180 different locations worldwide why because billionaires and millionaires
understand one of the ways to hedge against inflation money being printed market crash interest rates is to buy non duplicatable assets and one of them
is Art Fine Arts and that’s why today’s sponsor is Masterworks let me tell you a little bit about Masterworks you may be watching the Say pat I’m not a
millionaire or a billionaire I can’t afford to buy a Warhol or a Banky or basat how am I going to buy that well Masterworks allows you to buy fractional
shares like buying a share of Apple you buy a share of a bank SE painting or a Warhol piece you’re able to do that through Masterworks this is why over
800,000 people have signed up with Masterworks offerings have sold out within minutes and many of you have already created accounts and some of you
that haven’t this is your chance to skip the waiting list and start your collection today just click on the link in the description go to
Masterworks once again Masterworks /v or click on a link below California minus 343,000 people left California according to Census Bureau New York minus 299,000
people left Illinois minus 141,000 people left but if you go to the net positive State guess who’s at the top Florida number one domestic net
migration 2022 Florida number one 318,000 see Newsweek you didn’t tell the whole story you know who number two is Texas
230,000 then it’s Carolina then it’s Tennessee then it’s Georgia Arizona Idaho Alabama Oklahoma Nevada you get the idea at the bottom is California New
York Illinois Jersey Massachusetts blue blue blue blue blue blue get the idea what’s going on here what people are doing bad policies have consequences but
they’re targeting Florida so let’s continue with the whole Florida concept seeing what else they’re going to tell us since 2017 11 Property and Casualty
companies that offered homeowners insurance in Florida liquidated five of those companies liquidated in 2022 meaning they’re they’re liquidating
they’re no longer wanting to do business in the State of Florida five of those companies left in 2022 United Property
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