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Big Win For Trump In Arizona: Arizona’s Democrat Secretary Of State Admits The Truth

In recent weeks, Democrat activists in Arizona have called for Trump to be taken off the 2024 ballot but Arizona’s Democrat Secretary of State has finally admitted that it is completely illegal to do so.

Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes in response of calls for Trump to be taken off the ballot stated “Due to a previous ruling from the Arizona Supreme Court, Trump cannot be barred from running in the state.”

Fontes also noted, “The Arizona Supreme Court said that because there’s no statutory process in federal law to enforce Section 3 of the 14th amendment, you can’t enforce it.”

Fontes’ comments about the 14 Amendment come after a Florida lawyer claimed Trump violated the 14th Amendment by “engaging in an insurrection.”

Here’s what Just the News reported:

Arizona’s Democrat Secretary of State Adrian Fontes said he does not have the ability to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot in the Grand Canyon State.

There have been calls from lawyers and activists to keep Trump off the ballot under the 14th Amendment, with one Florida lawyer pointing out a clause that says those who “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the government cannot hold office.

Other activist groups including Mi Familia Vota and Free Speech for People are also advocating to keep the 45th president off the ballot under the 14th Amendment.

Fontes said on Wednesday that due to a previous ruling from the Arizona Supreme Court, Trump cannot be barred from running in the state.

“Now, the Arizona Supreme Court said that because there’s no statutory process in federal law to enforce Section 3 of the 14th amendment, you can’t enforce it,” Fontes said on “The Gaggle” podcast by The Arizona Republic and

Per The Hill:

Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes (D) said he does not have the ability to bar former President Donald Trump from running for president in his state Wednesday.

There have been calls to bar the former president from being able to run in 2024 related to language in the 14th amendment where it states those who “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the government cannot hold office. Fontes said despite those claims, he cannot do so by way of a previous Arizona Supreme Court case.

“Now, the Arizona Supreme Court said that because there’s no statutory process in federal law to enforce Section 3 of the 14th amendment, you can’t enforce it,” Fontes said on “The Gaggle” podcast by The Arizona Republic and

“That’s what the Arizona Supreme Court said, so that’s the state of the law in Arizona. Now, do I agree with that? No, that’s stupid,” Fontes continued.

Fontes said despite his dislike of what the Arizona Supreme Court has decided, he will still follow it because it is Arizona law.


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