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WWIII? Biden Admin Reverses Course On Taiwan…

No one wants a third global war to commence. Not the people of China, not the Russian people, not the people of Taiwan, and certainly not the American people.

Still, this has not deterred the psychopaths in power—namely those in the Biden administration.

Despite recent comments made by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken that “We [the U.S.] do not support Taiwan independence,” the Biden administration just approved military aid to Taiwan.

In a historic first, roughly $80 million in military aid to Taiwan was approved under legal provisions typically meant for sovereign nations.

Foreign news outlets and pundits lambasted the move and explained that this was merely a provocation toward China.

NTD News provided more details:

Previous arms sales to Taiwan have been approved under other authorities that do not necessarily imply statehood.

“The United States has provided Foreign Military Sales (FMS) to Taiwan for years.

FMF simply enables eligible partner nations to purchase U.S. defense articles, services, and training through either FMS or, for a limited number of countries, through the foreign military financing of direct commercial contracts (FMF/DCC) program,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

Russia Today reporter Fiorella Isabel states what many are thinking: “Unsatisfied with billions to Ukraine, the U.S. plans to transfer $80 million in military aid to Taiwan, for “national security…against CCP aggression”.

Anti-war journalist Dave DeCamp likewise sounded the alarm: “The Biden administration has approved the first-ever military aid package for Taiwan that uses Foreign Military Financing, a State Department program that gives foreign governments money to buy US arms. They keep crossing China’s red lines.”

According to CNN:

China’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday expressed “strong dissatisfaction” and “firm opposition” at the arms sale, which it said had harmed “China’s sovereignty and security interests” and undermined “peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”

It urged the US to “cease enhancing US-Taiwan military connections and arming Taiwan” and “stop creating tensions across the Taiwan Strait,” ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin told a regular news conference.


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