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Exposed! Burisma Boss Admits to Being Forced into $10M Payout to Bidens: FBI Unveils the Dirty Deal

Well, folks, here we have it – the revelation that could blow the lid off the Biden family’s dealings with Ukraine.

Buckle up, because this is a big one.

Newly released FBI documents suggest that the Bidens weren’t merely doing business with Mykola Zlochevsky, co-founder and CEO of Burisma, but might have allegedly “coerced” him into a multi-million dollar payout.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) dropped this bombshell on Thursday, releasing these explosive FBI documents. A

nd no, these aren’t mere hearsay or conspiracy theories.

They’re FD-1023 forms, coming from legally protected disclosures by Justice Department whistleblowers. T

hat’s right – people on the inside risking their careers to get the truth out.

More details below:

Of course, you shouldn’t be surprised that the mainstream media is covering up for the Bidens by refusing to give the story the attention it deserves.

Fortunately, our friends at the Daily Wire have been covering the unfolding scandal.

According to the Daily Wire:

Then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden allegedly “coerced” Burisma co-founder and CEO Mykola Zlochevsky into paying them millions of dollars each in exchange for pressuring the Ukrainian government to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the company.

The accusations are contained in unclassified FBI documents that were released on Thursday by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA). Grassley obtained the FBI-generated FD-1023 from “legally protected disclosures by Justice Department whistleblowers,” he said in a statement.

Zlochevsky allegedly told the FBI’s confidential human source (CHS) that during a meeting in August 2016 it cost him “5 (million) to pay one Biden, and 5 (million) to another.”

Zlochevsky allegedly said that it was “too late to change his decision,” which CHS understood as meaning that Zlochevsky “already had paid the Bidens, presumably to ‘deal with Shokin’.”

An addendum to the report from June 2020 says that Zlochevsky told CHS that he had “17 recordings” involving his interactions, including two with Joe Biden. The other 15 were with Hunter Biden.

The recordings allegedly show evidence that Zlochevsky “was somehow coerced into paying the Bidens to ensure Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired.”

In a phone call shortly after the 2016 presidential election, Zlochevsky allegedly told CHS that he didn’t want to pay the Bidens but he was “pushed to pay” them.”

CHS said that Zlochevsky used the Russian term “poluchili” to describe the alleged payments, the FBI form said. The term “literally translates to ‘got it’ or ‘received it’, but is also used in Russian-criminal-slang for being ‘forced or coerced to pay.’”

But aside from the alleged Biden crimes, another question is, what did the FBI know and when did they know it?

Has the FBI intentionally been covering up for the Bidens this entire time?

Folks, we all know how this would have been handled if these allegations had been made against President Trump.

But that’s not the worst part.

The worst part is that the FBI KNEW that the laptop from hell was real and they even told Twitter that it was real!

So that raises the question:

Why did Twitter and the rest of Big Tech decide to censor the Hunter Biden story?

Per the New York Post:

A senior FBI official told Twitter that Hunter Biden’s laptop was legitimate on the same day The Post published the first article in its bombshell reporting series on documents linking President Biden to his son’s foreign business deals, according to deposition testimony released Thursday by the House Judiciary Committee.

That confirmation was not shared with voters ahead of the 2020 election as dozens of former intelligence officials and then-presidential candidate Joe Biden falsely suggested that incriminating documents were Russian disinformation.

“Somebody from Twitter essentially asked whether the laptop was real. And one of the FBI folks who was on the call did confirm that, ‘yes, it was,’ before another participant jumped in and said, ‘no further comment,’” Laura Dehmlow, section chief of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force, recollected in a closed-door deposition Monday, according to a release from the Republican-led committee.

The FBI’s non-public verification of the laptop occurred on Oct. 14, 2020, hours after The Post published a story detailing how an email showed Joe Biden met while vice president with an executive at Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings — contradicting his claims that he “never” discussed foreign business dealings with his relatives.

It’s up to us to spread this news.

The mainstream media will not cover this, so please share this on social media with your family and friends.

Voters need to know what we’re up against as November 2024 approaches!


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