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New Rounds Of Layoffs Hit Ford, BlackRock….But I Can Help!

I wish I didn’t have to keep reporting on this, but it’s getting worse…

Another round of massive layoffs just hit Ford:

From Fox News, the layoffs are mostly SALARIED workers:

The layoffs will mostly be among U.S. salaried workers, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The upcoming move by the automaker is part of a continuing effort to streamline operations and reduce costs.

The layoffs will be announced as early as next week, people familiar with the situation tell The Journal.

The number of workers involved could not be immediately determined.

The cuts are reportedly expected to affect Ford’s gas-engine side of the business, as well as its electric-vehicle and software division, The Journal reported.

In August, Ford laid off approximately 3,000 white-collar and contract employees.

Earlier this year, the automaker announced it was beginning a 3,800-person reduction in its European workforce.

White collar layoffs, means things are getting serious!

And from the Detroit Free Press:

Ford Motor Co. is planning to lay off a minimum of “several hundred” salaried employees, starting as soon as next week, the Detroit Free Press has learned.

The action will be limited to white-collar workers in North America, perhaps just the U.S.

At issue is not buyouts but layoffs, specifically in the areas of Ford Blue and Model e, the units that design and build internal combustion vehicles as well as develop technology for the electric vehicle operation, according to a source with knowledge of the situation who was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter. The third of three units at the company, Ford Pro commercial, is not part of this job reduction.

The automaker employs about 174,000 white- and blue-collar workers globally. Ford has about 28,000 white-collar workers in the U.S. and about 70,000 worldwide, a Ford spokesman confirmed Friday.

The cuts are expected to fall well below the 3,000 jobs slashed in August in the U.S., Canada and India. Most of those cuts were made in Michigan, where Ford is headquartered. The automaker also cut 580 jobs in April 2022.

This planned round of cuts will be a fraction of the thousands last summer, the Free Press has learned.

Ford job boards have been simmering with anonymous posts about suspected job cuts in recent days, and media outlets have written of pending cuts in coming weeks.

The automotive industry is managing volatile changes in the economy, supply chain and product design while at the same time needing to spend billions on the evolution to electric vehicles.

It’s not just the auto industry, it’s tech too.

From the NY Post:

Mass layoffs are underway at business software giant Anaplan, The Post has learned – with some impacted workers grumbling that buyout firm Thoma Bravo has “destroyed the company” since taking it private in a $10.4 billion deal last year.

The total number of Anaplan layoffs is believed to be significant, with hundreds of workers affected, according to interviews with insiders and multiple posts on the anonymous corporate message board Blind.

“The people doing the hard work and driving the product and revenue and supporting customers are being laid off, without any evaluation of the C-level leaders,” one recently departed Anaplan employee told The Post. “Morale is down, and many people feel [Thoma Bravo] destroyed the company.”

Remaining workers are now “worried about internal politics and job security,” the ex-employee added.

Led by the hard-charging Miami-based dealmaker and billionaire Orlando Bravo, Thoma Bravo briefly held talks with Elon Musk about crafting a joint takeover bid for Twitter, The Post reported last year. Musk ultimately decided to take Twitter private on his own in a $44 billion deal.

A major player in software investment, Thoma Bravo had more than $127 billion in assets under management as of the end of March. Bravo himself has an estimated personal fortune of nearly $8 billion, according to Forbes.

Some Anaplan employees have blamed Thoma Bravo for a shift in culture at the firm – with a worker grumbling last February on Blind that the company “was nice until TB showed up” and began cleaning house.

The buyout firm’s budget-slashing moves and leadership changes have been a source of major friction with longtime employees since the deal closed, sources said.

At least 119 employees were laid off at the company’s San Francisco headquarters, according to a Wednesday California WARN notice filing obtained by The Post.

The cuts occurred across the company, affecting software engineers, copywriters, security analysts and various other roles.

“Those employees are expected to be separated from employment as soon as June 28, with the majority being separated no later than August 21, with all separations accomplished soon after that date,” the notice said.

Two sources with knowledge of the matter told The Post that the layoffs totaled at least 300 employees overall.

Get this….

Even BLACKROCK is not immune.

From Reuters:

BlackRock (BLK.N) has announced layoffs that would impact less than 1% of its workforce as a result of budget reallocations to support critical priorities, according to a memo seen by Reuters on Thursday.

The investment management firm has about 19,500 employees across more than 30 countries.

BlackRock had cut 500 jobs earlier this year while reshaping its teams, joining several Wall Street titans in slimming their ranks to save costs amid an economic downturn caused by higher interest rates, volatile markets and geopolitical tensions.

The company’s new round of job cuts followed a recent business review process, Chief Operating Officer Rob Goldstein and Global Head of Human Resources Caroline Heller said in a memo to staff.

The departments impacted were not known immediately, but the asset manager’s headcount will be higher at the end of 2023 than at the beginning of the year despite the job cuts, the memo said.

I wish I wasn’t right about this, but I’ve been warning you for a couple months now.

And it’s only going to get worse.

A LOT worse.

But here’s the good news: I might be able to help you.

Because guess who’s NOT laying people off?

Guess who is in HIRING mode?



Your humble correspondent!

We’re growing faster than I can keep up with.

Maybe I can help you?

If you’ve been impacted by layoffs, or just got fired….or….if you have a job but it doesn’t pay enough, then this is for “YOU”.

The layoffs are really getting bad out there.

You may not work at any of those places….

In fact, odds are you probably don’t!

But the layoffs start there and then spiral across the country.

And I know many of you reading this have ALREADY been laid off or fired from your job.

Many more are to come.

So….that’s why I’m publishing this.

Can I help you?

Very possibly….yes!

In fact, I tell you this because this is MY story.

And deep down it’s probably your story too.

You see, it doesn’t even have to be a layoff.

It may just be that you’re very unhappy with where you’re at in life.

Unhappy with your job…

Unhappy with your future prospects….

Not crazy about doing what you’re doing for the next 30 years and getting a cheap watch as a gift when you retire.

Oh I have a feeling that my story is going to resonate with you.

You see, I believe deep down we all know we were created ON purpose and FOR a purpose.

A God-given purpose.

Something we were created to do in this world better than anyone else.

Sound crazy?

I don’t think so.

I think every single one of us has greatness inside of us…and a calling to live the life God created for us!

Not to live someone else’s life.

Definitely not to live a life for your boss or for your job!

How sad is that?

It reminds me of one of my favorite memes:

But as always, there is TRUTH in comedy.

It’s what makes comedy funny, because we can all relate to the underlying truth.

So here’s where it gets really personal.

I didn’t learn that until I was in my 40’s.

I wish I’d learned it earlier.

And I’m telling you because maybe I can help YOU learn it earlier in life.

When I started this mission of the WLTReport back in 2015, I was finally doing MY thing.

Not living for someone else…

Not just punching a clock…

Not just moving papers around into a folder in a beige office for 40, 50 or 60 hours a week.


I was finally doing what God created ME to do…and I was changing the world (in my own little way) at the same time.

If you’ve never been in that position, I can’t quite describe it to you but it’s magical.

Suddenly, you don’t need coffee or extra motivation to get through the day.

Suddenly, when you’re living out YOUR purpose you have all this natural energy and “work” doesn’t seem like work.

You go from watching and waiting for the clock to hit 5:00 so you can go home to wondering “where did that day go, I could use another 12 hours!”

People ask me all the time how I get so much done around here and they’re fearful I’m going to “burn out”…

Nothing could be farther from the case.

And to quote my friend Christopher Greene, “I’d much rather BURN out than RUST out.”

Let that one sink in a bit.

I believe in this so much and I believe I can help a lot of people who are reading this so much that I actually recorded this video.

This is me, totally from the heart.

Please enjoy (and then if anything in this video resonates with you, scroll down and I will tell you how I might be able to help you too):

Backup here on Rumble:

Now, if ANYTHING I said in that video gave you that little shock of adrenaline or that gut feeling that connected with your soul, I want you to keep reading…

I want to be very clear upfront about a couple of things.

One, I’m not trying to sell you anything.

And two, I’m not telling you to quit your job or make any drastic change.

I’m just a guy who finally found how to live for the passion God placed inside of me, and if I can help some other people along the way I want to do it.



So in addition to my mission here at WLTReport, I’ve also been working on this second mission that I started talking about last month.

It’s like Mission x Mission for me…Mission Squared!

And I’ve got about 100 people in my “Inner Circle” who have jumped aboard and are doing it with me and they’re absolutely loving it.

The truth is I’ve been blown away in the past few weeks by the comparison of what we’re doing with this new mission and everything else happening in the world right now.

I’m sure you’ve seen all the headlines.

As I type this, banks are failing…

Banks are being shut down…

Bank Runs are threatening to spread across America…

Big companies are doing mass layoffs…

Tens of thousands at a time, Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, they just keep coming!

All the big names are doing it and no one seems immune: Google, Amazon, Facebook, Walmart, McDonalds, Wells Fargo it’s everywhere!

There’s definitely not a lot of “confidence” or “certainty” anywhere in the system right now.

And yet in the midst of all of that, then I huddle up with my Inner Circle and they’re receiving paychecks!

Life-changing paychecks in many cases.

That’s not my words…

Let me share with you a personal message I received from one person in my Inner Circle.  

I’m withholding her name for privacy purposes but she did give me permission to share this.

Read this and try to not let a tear come to your eye as you realize in her own words: “I did not have a Plan B…”

Read here:

I got that message a few weeks ago but it still pumps me up reading it here again!

And that’s not the only one.

They come in all the time, people so grateful for the opportunity to live THEIR purpose and join our Mission!

Making money and having fun doing it all at the same time.

I’ve redacted some personal information, but check out three messages I just received recently from some good friends in the Inner Circle:

Ok, can I show you just a few more?

Sorry but I’m so proud of these people who have jumped in and changed their lives.

Here are a few more:

Now I have to give my standard disclaimer: RESULTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED.  I can’t promise you will do well or earn a ton of money.  The only thing I can promise you is the OPPORTUNITY.  And those who work hard and put in the effort and have drive and determination have tremendous opportunity here.

No promises, no guarantees in life.

But if you work hard and don’t give up and know how to take life by the horns and dig in?

Then you might just do very well.

But the reality is stuff like this comes in all the time and it pumps me up so much!

Not only is our mission changing lives but the people working with me in the Inner Circle are having THEIR lives changed right along with it.

As I said at the very beginning of this article, this is NOT for everyone, but it might be for you…

….if you’re a high performer…

….if you want to earn a supplemental income working with me…

….and most importantly if you’re a NICE person…..

….if your heart is beating fast right now knowing that everything I’ve typed above and everything in my video above is like it’s speaking DIRECTLY to you.

If that’s you, I want to connect with you.

I can’t make any promises, and I can’t even promise we will have any slots open, but if this speaks to you then I want you to send me your information and someone from my Inner Circle will get back to you if/when we have something open.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Thanks for reading.

I can’t wait to see who this helps over the next month, 6 months, year or more.

We’re changing lives and I absolutely love it!

Noah out.


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