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Free Speech Giant SUES Google!

Google is once again under fire for its alleged monopolistic practices.

The tech giant is being sued by Rumble yet again, this time the free speech video platform is accusing Google of using its position to stifle Rumble’s ad revenue.

Rumble leverages Google’s architecture to function as a website and video hosting platform. Additionally, many people access Rumble using Google smartphones and their Chrome browser.

In this case, Rumble is demanding that Google pay $1 billion for the alleged damage done to Rumble’s advertisement revenue business.

CEO Chris Pavlovski announced on Monday: “Rumble opened a second front with Google. Against evil, we go on offense.” Here’s more on the developing story:

Axios featured a portion of Rumble’s new lawsuit against Google:

“Google exploits significant conflicts of interest that stem from its multiple roles in this electronically traded marketplace,” the complaint reads.

“As a result, it is able to pocket a supra-competitive portion of every advertising dollar that passes through the Ad Tech markets it controls, ad revenue that rightly should have passed through to publishers like Rumble and its content creators.”

MAGA conservatives and privacy advocacy groups welcomed the lawsuit with open arms and saw it as preaching truth to power.

A Google spokesperson told Reuters:

“We’ll show the court how our advertising products benefit publishers and help them fund their content online,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement to Reuters, insisting that publishers keep a vast majority of the revenue when they choose Google tools.


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