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Elon Musk Says These Two Words Are Considered “Slurs” on Twitter

Elon Musk said Wednesday that the words “cis” or “cisgender” are considered “slurs” on Twitter.

Musk responded to a Twitter post from James Esses saying, “Yesterday, after posting a Tweet saying that I reject the word ‘cis’ and don’t wish to be called it, I receive a slew of messages from trans activists calling me ‘cissy’ and telling me that I am ‘cis’ ‘whether or not I like it.’ Just imagine if the roles were reversed.”

“Repeated, targeted harassment against any account will cause the harassing accounts to receive, at minimum, temporary suspensions,” Musk responded.

The words ‘cis’ or ‘cisgender’ are considered slurs on this platform,” he added.

“To those who have asked – this is not restricting free speech. I did not request, nor did Elon agree, to suspend accounts for using the term ‘cis’. He is talking about ‘repeated, targeted harassment.’ What this does is restore parity and common sense,” Esses said.

Reduxx Magazine co-founder Genevieve Gluck commented on Musk’s tweet with background information on the origin of “cisgender.”

“The term ‘cisgender’ was coined by a German sexologist who also stated, ‘The sensuality that spontaneously unfolds between a child and an adult is something wonderful.’ Volkmar Sigusch first used the terms ‘cisgender’ and ‘cissexual’ in a 1991 publication titled Transsexuals and our Nosomorphic View,” Gluck wrote.


From Wikipedia:

In a 1991 publication “Die Transsexuellen und unser nosomorpher Blick” (“Transsexuals and our nosomorphic view”), Sigusch coined the term cissexual (zissexuell in German).[disputed – discuss] As an antonym to transsexual, cissexual refers to a person whose gender identity matches their sex. Using a cis/trans dichotomy as transgender patois predates Sigusch back to 1914 with Ernst Burchard in Lexikon des gesamten Sexuallebens but only specifically in the context of cross-dressing, not gender identity.

From Women’s Voices:

The sexologist’s views also include controversial opinions on pedophilia. Sigusch distinguishes between pedophiles, who abuse children, and “pedosexuals”, who have the same impulses but do not follow through with them.

In a 2011 interview with Spiegel, Sigusch stated that the problem with “pedosexuals” is not their desire to abuse children, but acting on that impulse. He proposed that the best outcome for treating pedophiles is not the loss of their desire, but instead preventing them from having “contact” with children.

Sigusch’s claims resemble modern rhetoric around “virtuous pedophiles”, or “MAPs” (minor-attracted persons), which prioritize the feelings and needs of men who are attracted to children, rather than focusing on child safeguarding.

Musk responded to Gluck’s comment.

“Yup, the contemptible creep that manufactured the term ‘cis’ has serious problems. Ignore him,” Musk said.

YEARS ago, my man Norm Macdonald nailed it.

Watch this:

Backup here on Rumble:

And now we have Elon Musk weighing in.

Here is Elon saying point blank that he considers it a slur (so do I):

Breitbart had more on the story:

Elon Musk took to Twitter Thursday to express his opposition to “gender transition” for minors, adding that he considers the term “cisgender” to be a “slur.”

Citing a Swedish study observing “gender affirming care,” which showed that cosmetic “transition” does not reduce propensity to suicide, Musk claimed his position on the controversial procedure on minors is that “we should wait until an individual is mature enough to make their own decisions before other adults make permanent, serious physical changes to them.”

“The Swedish study says ‘sex-reassigned transsexual persons of both genders had approximately a three times higher risk of all-cause mortality than controls’,” Musk wrote in a post. ” … doing surgery or chemical sterilization on minors gains nothing in reduced mortality.”

“My position is simply that we should wait until an individual is mature enough to make their own decisions before other adults make permanent, serious physical changes to them.”

He then addressed the argument among trans activists that if a child is not “affirmed” in their transgender claim, that they will kill themselves. He pointed out that the data in the study does not bear that out.

“The counter to my position would be that if we don’t make the changes when they’re a minor, they may never reach adulthood due to suicide. However, that counterargument does not hold water if mortality is essentially unchanged, which it is,” Musk wrote.

“[By the way], I regard cisgender as a slur,” he added.

In another post a few minutes later, Musk commented on an article reporting over half of mothers with boys who have identity disorders had been diagnosed with depression or Borderline Personality Disorder, writing, “Munchausen by proxy.”

“Gender affirming care” lacks evidence and basis in medicine, according to a study by U.K. nonprofit Sex Matters.

“The ‘gender-affirming’ model of care for teenagers is based on evidence that falls apart under examination,” the group says. “There is strong evidence that this medical pathway causes physical harm. It can lead to infertility and loss of future sexual function; among multiple side effects, bone health suffers.”

Sex Matters says those side effects may be acceptable if there were significant mental health benefits attached, but found that those benefits do not exist.

“Perhaps there are some teenagers for whom the cost-benefit analysis works out – but we have no evidence to tell us which ones, or under what circumstances,” the group writes. “We do know that the physical impacts are significant, and the mental-health improvements minimal.”

About 20 percent of Generation Z is likely to identify on the “LGBTQQIP2SAA” spectrum, and “LGBTQIA+” identification overall has become much more common in the United States in the past decade, according to 2022 polling by Gallup. Over five percent of Americans from 18 to 30-years-old identify as “transgender” or “nonbinary,” according a Pew Research Center survey published in June.

The number of diagnoses of “gender dysphoria” of children between the ages of 6–17 in the United States has surged over recent years, from 15,172 in 2017 to 24,847 in 2020, to 42,167 in 2021, according to data published by Reuters. In 2017, there were 1,905 children in the same age range, 6–17, undergoing hormone therapy, spiking to 4,231 in 2021.

This comes on the heels of Elon stating that he believes most child “transexual” claims are nothing more that Munchausen By Proxy, which is a medical term that basically means attention seeking behavior by a caregiver, creating a disease where none exists to get attention and sympathy.

From WebMD:

Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP) — or Munchausen by proxy — is a psychological disorder marked by attention-seeking behavior by a caregiver through those who are in their care.

MSP is a relatively rare behavioral disorder. It affects a primary caretaker, often the mother. The person with MSP gains attention by seeking medical help for exaggerated or made-up symptoms of a child in their care. As health care providers strive to identify what’s causing the child’s symptoms, the deliberate actions of the parent or caretaker can often make the symptoms worse.

The person with MSP does not seem to be motivated by a desire for any type of material gain. While health care providers are often unable to identify the specific cause of the child’s illness, they may not suspect the parent or caretaker of doing anything to harm the child. In fact the caregiver often appears to be very loving and caring and extremely distraught over their child’s illness.

People with MSP may create or exaggerate a child’s symptoms in several ways. They may simply lie about symptoms, alter tests (such as contaminating a urine sample), falsify medical records, or they may actually induce symptoms through various means, such as poisoning, suffocating, starving, and causing infection.

Seems like Elon nailed it here again?

And in case you missed it from earlier in the week, Elon has been on a roll:

Elon Musk Suspends Twitter Account That Made Pedophilia Flag, “Not Tolerated on This Platform”

Twitter CEO Elon Musk suspended an account that displayed a ‘Youth Attracted Person’ pride flag.

In other words, a pedophilia flag.

“Happy Alice Day, to those who celebrate!” an account titled @ZeebDemon wrote.

“I figured, why not use today to unveil the YAP (Youth Attracted Person) pride flag I designed almost a year ago?” the account added.

The account made the post on April 25th (‘Alice Day’), which is essentially a “pride day” celebrated by pedophiles.

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis noticed that Twitter suspended the account.

“Elon Musk suspended the person who made a pedophilia flag. Well done, Elon,” Dr. Loupis wrote.

“Not tolerated on this platform,” Musk responded.

“Thank you. I was temporarily suspended by old Twitter for simply saying that child raping pedophiles should face the death penalty after being proven guilty. Big change under your ownership. Now pedophiles are no longer protected by Twitter! Keep it up,” Robby Starbuck said.

“The old regime allowed it. I’m glad you fired them all,” Ian Miles Cheong noted.

Thank you @elonmusk for standing up against sexual predators and for protecting our CHILDREN,” Twitter user Hope Eternal wrote.

The old Twitter regime faced immense backlash for refusing to remove child pornographic images and videos from its platform.

Elon Musk made this a top priority once taking over the company.

From the New York Post:

Twitter refused to take down widely shared pornographic images and videos of a teenage sex trafficking victim because an investigation “didn’t find a violation” of the company’s “policies,” a scathing lawsuit alleges.

The federal suit, filed Wednesday by the victim and his mother in the Northern District of California, alleges Twitter made money off the clips, which showed a 13-year-old engaged in sex acts and are a form of child sexual abuse material, or child porn, the suit states.

The teen — who is now 17 and lives in Florida — is identified only as John Doe and was between 13 and 14 years old when sex traffickers, posing as a 16-year-old female classmate, started chatting with him on Snapchat, the suit alleges.

Doe and the traffickers allegedly exchanged nude photos before the conversation turned to blackmail: If the teen didn’t share more sexually graphic photos and videos, the explicit material he’d already sent would be shared with his “parents, coach, pastor” and others, the suit states.

Doe, acting under duress, initially complied and sent videos of himself performing sex acts and was also told to include another child in his videos, which he did, the suit claims.

Eventually, Doe blocked the traffickers and they stopped harassing him, but at some point in 2019, the videos surfaced on Twitter under two accounts that were known to share child sexual abuse material, court papers allege.


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