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GRAPHIC: California Teacher Caught On Camera Teaching Students How To Enjoy Anal Sex

Warning: this is a graphic post.

You may have surmised that much from the headline, but I’m giving you a second warning.

Ok, we good?

Continue at your own risk.

But that’s kind of the point right?

If I have to put a warning on this article for you adults to read it, then why are we ok with it in our schools?

And yes I realize this is high school and no I’m not against Sex Education.

But since when did Sex Education involve being taught how to enjoy anal sex and stimulate the prostate?

That’s Sex Ed now?

I’ll say this too…this teacher may just be doing her job.

She may just be teaching the curriculum she was given.

I don’t know.

So you tell me: you ok with this being taught in school?


Backup here on Rumble:

Oh and did you notice how quickly they start talking about how you can buy Sex Toys at Target?

Because….of course you can.

The PostMillenial had more details:

An educator at El Dorado High School in Placentia, California was captured on video giving students explicit instructions during class on how to have pleasure during anal sex, and where to find sex toys that will stimulate the prostate gland.

The video, posted to the Instagram account @edhscaughtlacking, shows the educator, sitting atop a desk in front of a classroom full of students, discussing why anal sex is pleasurable for gay men, with an enlarged image of a prostate gland behind her.

“You don’t have to go inside the booty hole you can actually just push on the seam and that stimulates the prostate gland,” the educator told her students. “They apparently really like that.”

“So that’s why, for male and male, anal sex is still very pleasurable because of the fact that it hits the prostate and there’s a lot of nerve endings in your booty, as well,” the educator explained, according to the video.

She then told the class that the prostate gland is equivalent to the “g-spot” for women, and shared places where students can purchase sex toys that stimulate these areas.

“If you go to Target, seriously, if you go to Target and go where the tampons and pads are, they have they just look like a little box but if you open it up, there’s like a Velcro front to the box, you open it up and then ‘BAM’ sex toys,” she explained.

One student interrupted and said that sex toys can also be purchased as CVS pharmacies and the educator responded, “Yes! CVS has them too. A lot of them.”

“So that’s why when you look at the toys, a lot of them look like this,” she said, making a gesture that included a hooked finger insinuating that position stimulates both the “g-spot” and prostate gland, video shows.

The California Board of Education approved new statewide comprehensive sex education laws in 2019 to include LGBTQ inclusivity for health education under the California Healthy Youth Act, which has been heavily criticized by parents.

Following the updated sex education laws, hundreds of parents and residents of California communites expressed their opposition of the LGBTQ framework to the Instructional Quality Commission, which is an advisory to the state board, according to EdSource.

From Twitter:

It’s basically “kink ed” at this point:

Exactly right:

Why is this necessary?

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