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Tucker Carlson Calls Out ‘Most Dangerous Extremist Group’ In America

News about violent rhetoric and action from far-left radicals is nothing new, but Fox News host Tucker Carlson recently outlined why one extremist group has gone way too far.

His remarks came in the wake of a mob attack by transgender activists who physically assaulted Riley Gaines, the swimmer who has spoken out against being forced to compete against — and share a locker room with — biological males who “identify” as females.

Carlson also referenced remarks by a pastor who compared the Nashville, Tennesee, Christian school shooter to Jesus among other evidence that the violent transgender fringe is a danger to society.

Here’s part of a Fox News Channel transcript:

So you can see where this is going, and you shouldn’t be surprised by it. Mental illness leads to violence. This is a species of mental illness and there’s no mental illness greater than the delusion that you are God. And that’s exactly what this cult teaches its adherents, you are God, you can change nature with your will. —- Now with the endorsement of the Biden administration, the terrorism that is the inevitable result of this belief system is accelerating. Police just arrested a man called William Whitworth, he’s a transgenderist that uses the name Lily in the state of Colorado, apparently had a kill list and a manifesto. He was planning to attack three schools and churches and apparently some talk show host, too. So it would be nice to see this manifesto or the kill list, but of course, you can’t see it because the authorities are, as they have in Nashville, hiding it. Now, why are they hiding it? Because they have to. When your religious views violate the unyielding laws of nature itself, you have no choice but to hide things. You have to. Deception is mandatory, and it will soon be reflected in the law. That is already happening in Canada, which is in some sense the new California. If you want to know our future, look north, not west. In Canada, transgenderism will soon be the justification for suspending all freedom of speech. A new law will ban speech that offends transgenderist near drag performances. So you can’t complain.

Gaines had many defenders on social media who shared Carlson’s take on the issue.

In addition to the recent Nashville shooting, there have been a disproportionate number of violent acts reportedly perpetrated by transgender individuals in recent months.

As Breitbart reported:

In less than five years, that’s four mass shootings committed by people who make up about one-half of one percent of the population. So that works out to around 2.75 mass shootings per million transsexuals over four years.

Suppose the roughly 325 million American heterosexuals committed mass shootings at that rate. In that case, you’d be talking about somewhere around 900 mass shootings over four years, and I’m talking real mass shootings—schools and places of employment—not the BS “mass shootings” fabricated by fake media outlets like CNNLOL.

Here’s a full clip of Carlson’s remarks:


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