I’m going to present this one mostly without comment….
And no, I’m not looking for conspiracies where none exist, I’m simply reporting on what is true. I’m simply reporting on something that exists.
The meaning (if any) that you want to place on this is up to you.
Each person can decide for yourself.
I personally find it quite a wild coincidence that this was essentially “hidden in plain sight” but beyond that I’m not going to comment — I leave it up to you the reader.
Sam Altman: "I don't see how it could be any less cryptic than that…" pic.twitter.com/iIY8632Zq9
— Brother Nathanael (@RealBroNat) January 31, 2025
Ummm what’s up with this ChatGPT? pic.twitter.com/6D23xX4xNt
— Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) February 1, 2025
So there you go!
Just a random coincidence?
Nothing to see here?
Hidden in plain sight?
What do you think?
It reminds me of the VW logo….
Have you ever seen this?
Hidden swastica in VW symbol….watch this!👇 pic.twitter.com/SKkQoqjo4K
— PaulsCorner21 (@TNTJohn1717) August 30, 2022
Now let's talk about that symbol, shall we?
Of course it's the "Star of David" right?
Well, not really.
It turns out the "Star of David" has nothing to do with King David of the Bible and is not mentioned or described, not even once, in the Bible.
In fact, it didn't become widely used or associated with Israel until the 18th century!
That would be roughly 2700 years or so after King David lived, I do believe.
God never tells Israel to use the "Star of David" in the Bible...did you know that?
Where are my Bible scholars at?
What does he tell them to use?
The Menorah.
I've written about this extensively here:
EXPOSING The “Star of David” — WARNING: Extremely Controversial
EXPOSING The "Star of David" -- WARNING: Extremely Controversial
I've been wanting to write this article for a long time and finally was able to pull it together today.
One note upfront: this is NOT an anti-Israel article. I love and support Biblical Israel. What I do not love or support are the people who have hijacked Israel and filled it with demonic imagery. Â
Still, even with that warning, I know this will be an extremely controversial post and I'm ok with that. Bring it on. Add as many comments as you want down below. The truth is like a lion, set it free and it will defend itself.
So let's do this....
Simply put, the so-called "Star of David" (also sometimes called the Shield of David or a Seal of Solomon or the Magen David) has absolutely NO reference in the Bible.
Doesn't exist.
Is not described by, or commanded by God for the Nation of Israel.
Two things that ARE described are the Menorah (a seven-branched candelabrum that was used in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple in Jerusalem) and the Star of Remphan (an occult image associated with the "god" Renpham).
I'll sum up basically what happened and then I'll give you all the backup images and sources.
So basically, here's the short summary of what happened: God commands Israel in the Bible to use the Menorah as the sign for Israel. Nowhere in the Bible does God tell Israel to associate itself with any kind of Star. No evidence exists in the Bible that King David had anything to do with an image of a Star. The only mention of an image of a Star is the Star of Renpham which is explicitly condemned in the Old Testament AND New Testament (usually a very powerful confirmation when something is confirmed in both Testaments). Then over time the Star of Renpham "shifts" into the newfangled "Star of David" in about the 1800s and from the 1800s until now slowly replaces the Menorah and becomes the national image for the State of Israel, so much so that it becomes the image on the Israeli flag.
That's the summary!
Now let's dig into the details....
The Bible does not explicitly mention the Star of David as a sign of Israel. The menorah, however, is clearly described in the Bible as a significant symbol for Israel.
The Menorah
- Biblical Basis:
- The menorah is described in detail in the Bible, particularly in the books of Exodus and Leviticus. It was used in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple in Jerusalem as a sacred object.
- Exodus 25:31-40 and Leviticus 24:2-4 provide the instructions for the construction and use of the menorah, which was to be kept burning continually as a symbol of God's presence and Israel's mission to be a "light unto the nations."
The Star of David
- Biblical Basis:
- The Star of David, also known as the "Shield of David" (Magen David), is not mentioned in the Bible. Its association with Judaism and Israel developed much later, likely during the Middle Ages.
- The Star of David is now widely recognized as a symbol of Judaism and the modern state of Israel, but it does not have a basis in biblical scripture.
This image is never connected to Israel at any point in the Bible, and is specifically condemned in both the Old and New Testaments:
AMOS 5:26 (NKJV): You also carried Sikkuth your king and Chiun, your idols, THE STAR of your gods, which you made for yourselves.
ACTS 7:43 (NKJV): You also took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and THE STAR of your god Remphan, images which you made to worship.
Even if you don't know a ton about the Bible, you know the "Temple of Moloch" is probably something you want to avoid, as well as the associated "Star of the god Remphan" who looks a lot like the demonic goat god Baphomet:
Star god Renpham:
The Star of Renpham is sometimes drawn with 5, 6 or 8 points.
Here's 5:
Here's 6 (As Above, So Below):
And here's the image ChatGPT drew for me when I asked it to draw the Star of Renpham:
Notice it draws it primarily with 6 points that looks just lie the Star of David but then inside the middle it gives the 8 point version and in other places like the top left it gives the 5 point version.
It's amazing how advanced AI is getting that it knew to give me all three versions in the one image, but to make the 6-pointed Star of David version the most prominent.
Here's how the transition occurred, starting in the 1800s....
The transition from the menorah to the Star of David as the most widely recognized symbol associated with Israel and Judaism happened over several centuries, with the key developments occurring in the medieval period and culminating in the modern era.
Medieval Period
- Emergence of the Star of David: The Star of David, or "Magen David," began to be used as a symbol of Jewish identity in the medieval period, particularly in Europe. Its precise origins are unclear, but by the 14th century, it started to appear on Jewish synagogues and gravestones. The Star of David was adopted by various Jewish communities as a symbol of protection and identity.
18th and 19th Centuries
- Widespread Use: The Star of David became more widely associated with Jewish communities in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries. It was increasingly used as a symbol of Jewish identity, alongside other traditional symbols like the menorah.
- Zionist Movement: The Star of David gained significant prominence in the late 19th century with the rise of the Zionist movement, which sought to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The symbol was adopted by the movement and used in various Zionist publications and banners.
20th Century
- Creation of the State of Israel: When the State of Israel was established in 1948, the Star of David was chosen as the central symbol on the national flag. The decision to use the Star of David was influenced by its widespread recognition as a symbol of Jewish identity and by its use in the Zionist movement. The flag of Israel, with its blue Star of David between two horizontal blue stripes, was officially adopted on October 28, 1948.
Replacement of the Menorah
- Modern National Symbols: While the menorah remained an important religious and cultural symbol, especially within Judaism, the Star of David became the primary emblem of modern Jewish identity and the State of Israel. The menorah, however, is still used as a national emblem of Israel and appears on the official state emblem, which features a menorah flanked by olive branches.
The Star of David didn't just make its way onto the Jewish Flag, it also is on our money.
Did you know that?
Take a look:
The occult image has been used for centuries and usually with very occult connections like to Freemasonry:
As I said at the beginning, this is not an attack on the true Biblical state of Israel by any means.
Israel has been corrupted, and I hate that.
But it's nothing new.
Jesus himself in John 8:44 looked straight at the corrupt religious leaders who had corrupted Israel even in Bible times and he told them they are straight from their father the Devil, take a look:
- "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
Certainly, Jesus was not anti-Israel.
He was expressing the same sentiments I am, which is very corrupt and very powerful people for centuries have done all the can to corrupt and twist and pervert God's original design and image for Israel.
So this is nothing new, and it shouldn't be surprising.
In fact, I've written extensively on this topic.
Here's much more:
So...What's Going On With The Jews?
Buckle up folks, we're going to tackle a big one today.
A dicey topic, fraught with minefields and ditches, but something that must be addressed.
And that question is simply this: "What's going on with the Jews?"
Allow me to explain...
And I think you might be very surprised by my take after you get done reading all of this.
I also want to make clear that I 100% support Biblical Israel and in no way is this some garbage "anti-Semitic" post. So dispense of that nonsense right upfront. We don't do that here.
But that's actually why this article is so important to write, because that kind of stuff is growing, and at a rapid pace.
So what's going on?
And what is TRUE when it comes to the Jews?
Hatred of the Jews and anti-Jewish rhetoric seems to be at a localized high recently. I can't say "all time high" because, well, I don't think you're going to eclipse what happened in Germany in the 1940s until the Book of Revelation fully starts playing out. But perhaps we are close to that or even in the beginning chapters of it.
But here's what I've noticed and here's what many of you have asked me -- in the comments to articles, in emails to me, and even in real life:Â "What's going on with the Jews?"
Allow me to rephrase that just a bit....
The question is more like this: I'm confused because I read in the Bible that the Jewish People are God's own people, the Apple of his Eye. A chosen people. But yet so many things I see in the world today make it look like the Jewish People are actually not that great of people. Worse than that even, they do some pretty strange and sick things! So help! I'm confused! How do I reconcile these two things!
Anyone else ever felt confused by that question?
I know you have because I hear it ALL THE TIME.
Let's take a look at some of the sick and strange things we seem to be reading about more and more about the Jewish People in the news today before I give you my take on how to reconcile all of this in a way that makes perfect sense and is Biblically grounded.
Dom Lucre on Twitter has been leading the charge on this, for better or worse.
Here's just one example of what he's been posting but I think this sums up a lot of it:
🔥🚨DEVELOPING: Users on X are absolutely outraged over the recent antisemitic rants that Community Notes have been going on. I don’t know how we can ban or demonetize Community Notes but Elon Musk or Linda Yaccarino need to do it quick before this thing becomes a massive trend. pic.twitter.com/J75czBgefO
— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) January 24, 2024
Zoom in:
So....here's the thing that is leading to so much confusion and the reason I'm publishing this article -- most if not all of these things are TRUE!
Stunning I know, but most/all are accurate.
For example, we've covered the Jewish Rabbi who owns PornoHub recently ourselves:
And then let's take one of the other most incendiary things on that list:Â that (some) Jews follow a practice where a rabbi orally suctions (sucks) the blood from the circumcision wound of a baby.
Also true!
It's called the metzitzah b'peh, and we asked Twitter's own Grok itself about this and it is confirmed true:
I love how Grok questions the practice because it has been linked to cases of herpes transmission.
Ok fair enough, but how about questioning the practice because it's a creepy old Rabbi sucking a baby's penis???
That's sick stuff.
But now I want to answer the question: How do you reconcile this in a Biblically-faithful way to the Bible saying the Jews and the Nation of Israel are his people?
Because it does say that, many times:
The concept of Israel as God's chosen nation is a recurrent theme throughout the Bible. This idea is expressed in various passages that highlight Israel's unique relationship with God, their calling, and the covenant established between them. Here are ten verses from the Bible that articulate the notion of Israel as God's chosen nation:
So why is this all so confusing?
The Bible makes clear that the Jews are God's chosen people....but why then are they the ones controlling most of the porno online and running around with creepy old alleged "religious leaders" sucking on baby peeners? That's sick and obscene and in any other context in life would land you straight in prison!
Whenever things like this seem very confusing and directly contradicting each other it's a good idea to return to a couple basic truths.
The first is we find the truth in the Bible, and we use that as our foundation as we interpret all other facts and circumstances we are seeing.
And that Foundation of Truth gives us a few fundamental truths that we'll rely on as we go forward...
One is that Israel is indeed a chosen nation, chosen by God (YHWH). That's clear. That's not up for debate. More on that in a bit down below when we dig into "Cosmic Geography"...
Another truth is that in the end times (call it whatever you want, Apocalypse, the end of the age, the Second Coming, Revelation) all the Nations of the World will be united as they fight against Jesus Christ and Israel. That's in your Bible, did you know that? Multiple times:
- Revelation 16:14 - "For they are the spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."
- Revelation 19:19 - "And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army."
- Zechariah 14:2-3 - "For I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city. Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on a day of battle."
- Revelation 17:14 - "They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because He is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with Him will be His called, chosen and faithful followers."
- Joel 3:2 - "I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land."
- Revelation 20:8-9 - "And will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them."
So we know that's the roadmap we're headed towards.
And the other truth we have is a meta-narrative throughout all of the Bible which basically says that Satan (again, take whatever name you want, The Snake, Lucifer, Satan, Antichrist, Azazel, Baal) hates God but he especially hates Christians and the Jewish People.
So now put all of that together and I'm going to give you exactly how this all fits perfectly together and explains what seems at first like a giant, confusing mess....
Is Israel evil?
Are the Jews evil?
Are God's chosen people evil?
No. Not the real ones.
I believe there is absolutely a strong remnant of Biblical Jews / Biblical Israelites descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob on the Earth today. God's Chosen People. The Bible tells us God's chosen Nation will always exist. So we know they're here.
But we also know Satan is a deceiver and he brings confusion. So if you're experiencing confusion on a topic (like this one) that's usually a GREAT indicator that he's involved and behind it all.
So I'll just cut right to the chase and give you the answer: If you're Satan and you know you can't defeat God, but you want to cause as much confusion and problems here on the Earth in the meantime, especially for Christians and Jews, what would be the best way to do it?
You'd do what Satan always does when it comes to God's truth....he creates a counterfeit version.
He's done it to everything.
What do you think of first when you hear the Rainbow?
The Gay Pride and LGBTQP+ nonsense, right?
That's just a counterfeit of God's original.
The Rainbow was created by God and belongs to God and was his first.
It has powerful meanings and purposes, well beyond just the traditional story of God's promise to never destroy the Earth again by flood.
There's so much more to it, read this if you don't know:
But just as Satan takes God's creation and counterfeits it like with the Rainbow, he's done the very same thing to the Jewish people.
He's slithered his way in and counterfeited the Jews.
Simply put, I believe there are vast amounts of people (now and throughout history) who have reached top positions in Judaism who claim to be Jews but are actually the exact opposite -- a brood of vipers!
You do know even in the Bible Jesus called the Jewish leaders that to their face, right?
He was no fan.
So calling out fake and counterfeit Jewish Leaders is not anti-semitic. Far from it! If that were anti-semitic, you'd have to label Jesus himself an anti-semite because here's what he told these counterfeit Jews right to their face:
The references to Jesus calling certain Jewish leaders a "brood of vipers" and implying they are of their "father the devil" are found in the New Testament. These strong rebukes were directed at the Pharisees and Sadducees, religious leaders of the time, whom Jesus criticized for their hypocrisy, legalism, and failure to understand and embody the spirit of the law. Here are the specific verses:
- Brood of Vipers:
- Matthew 12:34 - "You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."
- Matthew 23:33 - "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?"
These statements were part of Jesus' critique of the Pharisees and Sadducees for their outward show of piety without genuine faith or compassion.
- Sons of the Devil:
- John 8:44 - "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
In this verse, Jesus was speaking to a group of Jews who had challenged Him, questioning His testimony and authority. His response underscored the stark contrast between those who sought to do God’s will and those who opposed it, essentially stating that their actions reflected allegiance not to God but to Satan, characterized by deception and opposition to the truth.
So the infiltration of the counterfeit Jews happened centuries ago, and it was a problem even when Jesus walked this Earth. He addressed it head on and we should do the same, which is why I'm writing this article.
So now let's get back to some of those sick and twisted examples we talked about earlier.
Does the Bible tell the Jews to suck the blood from a circumcised penis?
Of course not!
In fact, it dates to the 4th Century (that would be 400 years after Jesus and well after the Bible was written and centuries later than anything from the Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible):
So what's the Talmud?
It's very evil and demonic and I think the best way to describe it is basically as the "Bible" for the "fake Jews" who have infiltrated and counterfeited Judaism -- the people who Jesus called sons of their father, Satan.
EDITOR'S NOTE for anyone about to claim I am calling them sons of Satan, I'm not -- I'm quoting Jesus directly from the New Testament. Got a problem with that, take it up with him!
Here's more about the Talmud:
The Talmud is a central text of Rabbinic Judaism [Editor's Note: the central text to Biblical Jews is the TORAH -- the first 5 books of the Bible -- attempts to replace the Torah with the Talmud are deeply concerning, but you see how it happens even in this text produced by ChatGPT], serving as a comprehensive record of rabbinic discussions pertaining to Jewish law, ethics, philosophy, customs, and history. It is composed of two main parts: the Mishnah and the Gemara. The Mishnah, written around 200 CE, is a compilation of oral laws and traditions collected and organized by Rabbi Judah the Prince (Rabbi Judah HaNasi). The Gemara, which comments on and elaborates the Mishnah, was developed over the next few centuries in two primary compilations:
- The Jerusalem Talmud (Talmud Yerushalmi), completed in the 4th century in the Land of Israel, under the Roman Empire.
- The Babylonian Talmud (Talmud Bavli), completed around the 5th century in Babylonia (modern-day Iraq).
These works were written by numerous rabbis and scholars over several generations, reflecting a broad range of Jewish thought and practice.
10 Controversial Things in the Talmud
The Talmud contains passages that have been subjects of controversy, often due to misunderstandings, mistranslations, or misrepresentations. Some of these controversies include discussions that:
- Critique or challenge interpretations of biblical laws - Certain passages question or reinterpret biblical laws in ways that have been controversial or misunderstood outside of their historical and cultural context.
- Depict God in anthropomorphic terms - The Talmud occasionally describes God in human-like terms, leading to theological debates.
- Discuss relations with non-Jews - Some passages reflect the complex and often hostile relationship between Jews and non-Jews in ancient times, including discussions on business, social interactions, and legal matters.
- Use of harsh punishments - Descriptions of judicial punishments in the Talmud reflect the historical context of ancient judicial practices, some of which are severe by modern standards.
- Legal discussions on slavery - The Talmud discusses laws pertaining to slavery, which has been a point of ethical debate.
- Status of women - Certain laws and discussions regarding the status and rights of women reflect ancient societal norms and have been the subject of modern critique and reevaluation.
- Magic and superstition - References to magical practices, amulets, and superstitions reflect the cultural context of the times but have been controversial in their interpretation and relevance.
- Capital and corporal punishment - The detailed discussions on when and how such punishments are to be applied have been contentious.
- Conversions to Judaism - The complex laws and attitudes toward conversion have sparked debates both within and outside Jewish communities.
- Ethical dilemmas and theoretical cases - The Talmud's discussion of extreme ethical dilemmas and hypothetical cases can be startling or controversial to those unfamiliar with the style of rabbinic argumentation.
It's crucial to understand that the Talmud is a complex, multi-faceted work that requires careful study within its historical, cultural, and religious context. Its discussions are often highly nuanced, and the methods of argumentation can be misunderstood when taken out of context. Rabbinic scholarship typically interprets these texts within a broad tradition of commentary and debate, emphasizing ethical teachings, moral values, and the dynamic nature of Jewish law and tradition.
So there you go!
I'm going to wrap that up here but I'll summarize one more time because I know that was long and complex.
SUMMARY: If you're experiencing confusion about a topic, especially one as important as how do we view God's chosen people, the Jews, that confusion likely comes from Satan. And it's likely designed to lead you astray. Start with Biblical truth, which is the Jews ARE God's chosen people and chosen Nation. They have most likely been infiltrated by a group of non-Jews pretending to be Jews and reaching some of the highest Rabbinic positions. Long after the Torah and the Bible were written, these people created their own "Bible" and called it the Talmud (which is full of demonic things) and then have placed their Talmud on the same level (if not higher) than the Torah/Bible. All of this confusion and current increasing hatred for Jewish people is likely leading us right to the apocalyptic predictions of the Bible, stating that in the end times the entire world will be united together, fighting against the Nation of Israel and against Jesus Christ. Now do you see how such a thing could happen? Now do a lot of things suddenly start to make a lot of sense?
I hope this has been helpful to you.
At WLTReport, we unabashedly stand WITH and FOR the Bible, WITH and FOR the true Jewish People, God's own Nation, and we stand AGAINST the Talmud. Anyone else on board for that? I thought so.
Now let's take it even deeper, shall we?
Because it's one thing to read my thoughts, now let's go to an even better source -- a man much smarter than me, by miles.
Dr. Michael Heiser.
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