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Georgia School Shooting: Revealing Audio from Police Encounter

Georgia officials have released new audio from a police visit to the home of Colt Gray, the boy alleged to be involved in a recent school shooting.

The audio was recorded in 2023 after the FBI received a tip about Colt threatening to shoot up a middle school on the app Discord.

During the visit, police talked to Colt and his father, Colin.

In the recording, Colin said he was upset and thought the police visit was unfair. He explained that Colt was having a hard time at school and that the family had gone through some tough times, like getting divorced and losing their home.

Colin talked about Colt’s struggles with being bullied and how the family was trying to help him. He also mentioned that there were guns in the house but said they were not loaded. Colin seemed surprised and angry about the situation, and he stressed that he taught Colt about gun safety.

Fox News shared audio transcript:

“Let me ask you this – do you have any weapons in the house?” the officer asks.

“I do,” Colin says.

Are they accessible,” the officer then asks.

“They are…I mean there’s nothing loaded, but they are…we do a lot of shooting, we do a lot of deer hunting. He shot his first deer this year,” Colin says. “like I’m pretty much in shock…I’m pissed off to be honest with you.”

“I’m a little taken back by the whole thing, but I can tell you this, I take that very serious and so does he, as a matter of fact,” Colin says.

“I don’t know anything about him saying s**t like that. And I’m going to be mad as hell if he did, and then all the guns will go away and they won’t be accessible to him,” Colin continues. “You know, I’m trying to be honest. I’m trying to teach him about firearms and safety and how to do it all and get him an interest in the outdoors.”

“Get him away from the video game,” the officer responds.

“Yeah. Exactly. Right. That’s the best. The God honest truth is, the picture on my phone is him with blood on his cheeks when he shoot his first deer. It’s just the greatest day ever,” Colin says. “So sure, he knows the seriousness of weapons and what they can do and how to use them and not use them.”

“So it’s kind of a little bit of a shock. So whatever y’all are telling him, please instill in him what if this is whatever or wherever some come from is no joke. No, like it’s no joke,” Colin continued.

“We wouldn’t be here,” the officer said.

No, I know, I know, and I’m telling you right now we talk about it quite a bit. All the school shootings, things that happen. Yeah, I hear you getting picked on at school. He is. He’s getting picked on at school. And. Is everything okay? That’s why I keep going up there. No. You know, because you just never you never really know. And I don’t want anything to happen to him, so. Yeah. Yeah,” Colin finished.

Hear the audio for yourself:

Now, Colt Gray, who is 14 years old, is facing serious charges, including murder, for the deaths of four people at Apalachee High School.

His father, Colin, has been charged with letting Colt have access to a weapon even though there were earlier warnings. Colin is currently in jail as the case continues.

Watch ‘Fox & Friends’ hosts discuss the new audio and weigh in on the tragic event:


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