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VIRAL VIDEOS: Amazon’s Alexa Gives Biased Response For Trump, Kamala

Want a suggestion from Amazon’s robot Alexa for the election?

Well, it can’t give you that advice.

Unless it’s for a Democrat.

Videos are going viral that show people asking Alexa for reasons why to vote for either candidate.

When it comes to asking for reasons why to vote for Trump it flat out refuses, stating that it can’t give election advice.

But asking it for reasons to vote for Kamala?

I will go on and on, listing off cookie-cutter responses.

Someone should ask it why it just contradicted it self?

Also, why do people STILL have a communist spying device in their house?

Is this a crime?

Should Amazon get in trouble? Or was this just a big mistake.

More and more people were testing out their spy devices:

What will Amazon say now?

After too many people were noticing, Amazon quickly changed Alexa’s response. “Our mistake, no hurt feelings, right?”

Funny how these technological mistakes never favor Republicans.

How many other programmed pieces of propaganda are floating out there in tech land that are skewed to favor Kamala but haven’t been noticed yet?

I’m sure there’s more.


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