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Georgia Poll Workers Move to SEIZE Rudy Giuliani’s House & Prized Possessions

Two Georgia poll workers have just moved to seize a portion of Rudy Giuliani’s assets, including some of his multi-million dollar properties and prized Yankee World Series rings, to settle a $146M defamation ruling.

The complete list of items they want seized from Giuliani includes expensive jewelry, watches, model cars, and signed Yankee memorabilia.

Take a look:

From The New York Post:

Rudy Giuliani may have to part with some of his prized possessions, including his New York Yankees memorabilia collection, as two Georgia election workers move to seize the former Big Apple mayor’s personal property to collect on a $148 million defamation judgement.

Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss filed a motion in New York’s southern district federal court Friday asking a judge to enforce the December 2023 judgment against Giuliani by compelling the 80-year-old “to turn over certain property” – including his Madison Avenue apartment, extensive watch collection, autographed baseball memorabilia and three Yankees World Series rings.

The Atlanta poll workers also asked the judge to put Giuliani into receivership to take his Palm Beach condominium and argued that they’re entitled to $2 million in fees Giuliani claims he’s owed by Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

“Mr. Giuliani has proven time and again that he will never voluntarily comply with court orders, much less voluntarily satisfy Plaintiffs’ judgment,” lawyers for Freeman and Moss wrote in a court filing, explaining why the seizure of Giuliani’s assets is necessary.

“At every step, Mr. Giuliani has chosen evasion, obstruction, and outright disobedience,” the attorneys added. “That strategy reaches the end of the line here.”

NBC News added more details on exactly what these women are trying to take from Giuliani:

Their filing Friday seeks “an order requiring Mr. Giuliani to turn over personal property in his possession in satisfaction of the judgment, and an order appointing Plaintiffs as receivers with the power to take possession of, and sell, both real and personal property that Mr. Giuliani does not turn over.” That includes “cash accounts, jewelry and valuables, a legal claim for unpaid attorneys’ fees, and Mr. Giuliani’s interest in his luxury Madison Avenue co-op apartment.”

Giuliani’s Manhattan apartment is worth an estimated $5.7 million, while his condo in Palm Beach, which the former election workers are also trying to obtain, is valued at $3.5 million.

They’re additionally laying claim to the $2 million in fees Giuliani says he’s owed by Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee for his work in trying to overturn the results of the 2020 — efforts that got Giuliani disbarred in New York and that led to Moss and Freeman’s lawsuit.

The mother and daughter are also seeking Giuliani’s 1980 Mercedes-Benz SL500, signed Reggie Jackson picture, signed Joe DiMaggio shirt and three Yankees World Series rings he was given during his time as New York City mayor. They also want a diamond ring he owns and his collection of about two dozen luxury watches.

Those two election workers are Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss. If their names sound familiar, it’s because they were two of the women accused of committing election fraud during the 2020 election.

Remember this video?

Since 2020, these women have cashed in on the “death threats” they received over allegations they helped steal the election.

They were awarded the 2023 Presidential Citizen’s Medal and have filed several lawsuits against those who “defamed” them.

Here’s what ChatGPT says about their background:

Ruby Freeman is a former election worker from Georgia who gained national attention after being falsely accused of participating in election fraud during the 2020 U.S. presidential election. She worked in Fulton County, Georgia, and her role involved handling ballots during the election process.

Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss, were the subjects of a conspiracy theory promoted by supporters of former President Donald Trump. The theory falsely claimed that they were involved in counting fraudulent ballots to help Joe Biden win the election. These accusations were based on selectively edited surveillance footage, which was misrepresented by some media outlets and political figures.

These false claims led to significant personal and professional harassment for Freeman and Moss, including threats to their safety. The accusations were thoroughly debunked, and both Freeman and Moss were later publicly cleared of any wrongdoing.

Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss have since spoken out about the impact of these false claims on their lives, and they have been recognized for their courage in the face of these baseless accusations. In July 2023, both women testified before the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack, sharing their experiences of the harassment and threats they endured as a result of the conspiracy theories.


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