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Nevada Secured? State Supreme Court Rules Against Democrats Over Potential Election Fraud

No, Nevada and its six electoral votes isn’t a must-win for President Trump.

BUT it is one of the most intriguing states this 2024 November election – and winning it does offer another path to victory.

This is why for the many of Trump supporters concerned about election fraud, the breaking ruling by the Nevada Supreme Court is so significant.

To sum the ruling up, The Nevada Supreme Court ruled against the Democrat Secretary of State, Francisco Aguilar, who had filed a lawsuit asking the justices to require the Washoe Board of County Commissioners to certify the June 9 primary election results for two races before August 22, DESPITE the ongoing allegations of fraud they received.

In other words, Aguilar is demanding certification even if there’s clear proof of fraud.

Sound familiar?

The Associated Press reports:

RENO, Nev. (AP) — Nevada’s Supreme Court declined Tuesday to wade into an electoral controversy despite pleas from the state’s top election official and attorney general after one county initially voted against certifying recount results from the June primary.

The Democratic officials wanted the justices to make clear that counties have no legal authority to refuse to certify election results.

The high court said in a ruling that the matter was moot since the Washoe County Commission’s original 3-2 vote against certification was later nullified when it re-voted the following week to certify the results.

The court dismissed Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar and Attorney General Aaron Ford’s request for a ruling declaring the commission acted illegally. But the justices also made clear that they have the legal authority to make such a declaration and warned they may do so on an expedited basis if it becomes an issue again.

“As petitioner argues, even when an issue becomes moot, we may still consider the issue if it constitutes ‘a matter of widespread importance capable of repetition,’” the court said.

Aguilar and Ford had argued that it’s likely the county commission would refuse to certify results from the general election in November. The court agreed that the issue is important but said it wasn’t convinced that there would likely be a repeat.

So it seems like Aguilar and Attorney General Ford are a bit more concerned about the effects the ruling might have on this upcoming Presidential election than they are this past June primary.

Why would that be?

Can they already forsee election results controvery?

And which Presidential candidate – Trump or Harris – do they think would benefit from any controversial results?

Per Gateway Pundit:

The Nevada Supreme Court has dealt a major blow to the Democrats’ attempts to force the certification of potentially fraudulent election results.

The court dismissed a petition from the Nevada Secretary of State, Francisco Aguilar, that sought to compel the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners to immediately certify the results of a June primary election recount.

The case revolved around a recount in Washoe County, where discrepancies were reported.

Secretary Aguilar, supported by the Democratic National Committee and the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, argued that the certification should proceed without delay to ensure the recount’s results were included in the final tally.

Aguilar’s petition emphasized that the board’s role is purely ministerial, with no room for discretion or personal judgment. He argued that under state law, their responsibility to canvass and certify election results is non-negotiable.

However, the Supreme Court of Nevada rejected this push, citing the mootness of the petition following the certification and emphasizing that such decisions rest within the court’s discretion.

Again, the Democrat Secretary of State, Aguilar, seems to think that regardless of any suspicious circumstances surrounding an election, whatever the “results” are, they need to be immediately certified WITHOUT any review or consideration.

Odd, isn’t it?


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