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HILARIOUS: Don Lemon Hits The Streets and Can’t Find A Single Kamala Harris Voter

Don Lemon has never been known for being extremely bright, but this is a new low even for him….

He thought he’d hit up New Jersey and ask them who they’re voting for, Trump or Harris.

I’m sure Lemon thought he’d get a bunch of Kamala support, but turns out he got NONE!

You have to understand how this works, this is a 2:00 clip that was no doubt edited down from much longer raw footage.

And you have to assume if even ONE person said Kamala Harris, he would have included that somewhere in the 2 minutes.

So I am just assuming that because there’s not a single Kamala supporter in this entire 2:00 clip, it actually means there simply wasn’t one to be found anywhere Lemon went!

And that is just delicious!



Full screen video player here:

Better luck next time Don!


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