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The “Black Eye Club” Finally EXPOSED and Explained?

Has the mystery of the Black Eye Club finally been revealed?

I don’t know, but I did come across this new video that was very interesting.

Quite frankly, I didn’t follow everything he said in here, and I don’t even know who this guy is, so take it all with a grain of salt and see what you think for yourself.

But here’s what I DO know for certain….

I do know that an abnormally high number of celebrities, athletes and politicians all end up with massive black eyes.

That’s a fact.

Provable by all the images below.

I also know that when I compare that very HIGH percentage to my every day life, I know of almost no one in my circle of life (friends, family, acquaintances) that have ever ended up with a big black eye shiner as an adult.

So there’s a massive disconnect between these two observable facts.

The only question is….what’s the actual reason and what’s causing it?

Watch the video below where this man explains it’s a parasite being injected, the exact procedure of which he claims is described in the Bible:

Full video player here:

So, what do you think?

Does it make sense?

I didn’t really follow how any of that related to his business venture or the investors.

But maybe he’s onto something with this parasite?

Here was the latest member to join the club:

Sharon Stone Joins The “Black Eye Club”

Welcome to the club Sharon!

The very prestigious “Black Eye Club” is pleased to welcome it’s newest member, Sharon Stone!

Mind you, I don’t think I can remember one person in my entire life who I knew personally who got a nasty black and blue shiner in the eye, but to Hollywood Celebrities it seems to happen almost ALL of them at some point.


Guess they’re all just super clumsy!

Here’s what Sharon Stone’s eye currently looks like:

It is usually the right eye, but I guess she got the Left Eye treatment for some reason:

She joins quite a club!

Here she is explaining exactly what happened:

“I’ve been in so many hotels in so many countries that I got up in the middle of the night to be Didn’t know where I was and smacked my face on the marble. No, nobody did anything to me And yes,

I’m just fine and I’m having a great time and I’m being welcomed very beautifully on my trip everywhere that I’ve gone and I’m having just the greatest time and It’s getting better, but it really is a good-looking shiner

You should see what I did to that marble floor Thanks so much for caring about me. I care about you, too. Thank you.”

Now let’s take a look at some of the other members of the Club:

Have You Heard Of The “Black Eye Club”?

Have You Heard Of The "Black Eye Club"?

I thought now was a good time to give an update on the "Black Eye Club".

Ever heard of it?

I've written about the Black Eye Club several times before.

Most recently, when John Roberts was inducted.

Roseanne was even talking about it recently!

First a little background if you're not familiar, and then scroll down for the most recent video I found giving more information than I have ever seen.

What is it they say....

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is......?

And how about a dozen or two dozen?

No, I'm not talking about the Clinton Kill List.

I'm talking about the "Black Eye Club".

Many of you have probably heard of this, but in case you haven't get ready for your mind to be blown.

Let's start here:

The “Black Eye” club, although not officially an organization refers to a growing number of politicians, celebrities, business elites, and heads of the state who have suddenly and mysteriously wound up with a black eye.

I can't say I have ever been punched in the eye my entire life, and these are the 1%, just what are ultra rich folk doing getting their eyes fisted?

How many adults have you known in your life that have ever suffered a black eye?

A really bad one....a huge black and blue shiner?


None, personally.

I have never rolled into work and saw Hank in the office next door suddenly have a huge black eye on Wednesday morning.

But for powerful political people and celebrities?

It happens all the time!

Strange, don't you think?

Just take a quick look, and I think you'll be shocked:

Why is it always the LEFT eye?

And the same exact spot?

Last year, I brought you the newest inductee....

U.S. Supreme Court CHIEF Justice, John Roberts.

Just a HUGE coincidence, I'm sure:

And today?

In March of 2021?

I bring you the newest member.....none other than Mittens Romney!

The Hell you say!

Take a look:

Are these people just the most clumsy, uncoordinated people in the whole world?

Or something more going on?

From the NY Post, here is the "official" story:

Sen. Mitt Romney was knocked unconscious when he fell in Boston over the weekend, leaving him with “a lot of stitches” and a black eye.

“I took a fall. Knocked me unconscious. But I’m doing better,” Romney told reporters on Capitol Hill Monday night.

The Utah Republican said he was visiting his grandchildren when he got injured.

With noticeable bruising under his right eye, Romney infused some humor into the situation.

“I went to CPAC, that was a problem,” the Republican lawmaker joked, referring to the Conservative Political Action Conference that ended Sunday.

Romney was not invited to the marquee event after receiving backlash over his vote to impeach ex-President Donald Trump.

Asked how many stitches he received, Romney claimed he was not sure.

“A lot of stitches. I don’t know how many. I asked the doctor how many stitches and she said, ‘I don’t know,’ but it’s all through my eyebrow and my lip.”

Now I told you I wasn't going to draw any conclusions...and I'm not.

I don't know what is going on, I really don't.

But I DO know when something is not right, and I will say that....this is not right.

And this is not a coincidence.

Even The Sun has even noticed the trend and had this to say (sure, it's all just "NUTTY"):

NUTTY conspiracy theorists have claimed celebrities with black left eyes are marking themselves out as members of the ILLUMINATI.

Actors, musicians, politicians, and even the Pope have all been snapped with shiners recently – sparking claims they are members of a secret society.

Conspiracy theorists claim Illuminati recruits are forced to ‘eat pain’ during high-level initiation rituals.

They claim bruised left eyes – known as ‘Illuminati shiners’ are marks given to those who have scaled their way to the top of the sinister organisation.

Radio host Sherry Shriner – who wrote ‘Interview With The Devil’ – said: “You cannot be on TV now, without signing on the dotted line.

“The bizarre recurrence of facial bruises on Illuminati politicians and entertainers has resulted in speculation that their souls have been replaced in a satanic ritual called ‘soul scalping'”.

Shriner, who died last year, claimed all of the world’s leaders have been soul-scalped.

She also claimed to have been able to speak to the devil.

Among the celebs to have sported black eyes over the years are Adam Sandler, Prince Philip, George W Bush, and Liz Hurley.

Prince Andrew showed off one in 2017, while Prince Phillip reportedly “woke up” with one one morning in 2013.

Gossip columnist Perez Hilton claimed a black eye was given to him by Polo Molina – the manager of the Black-Eyed Peas.

Pope Francis had a bad eye cut last year, which he attributed to an accident in the ‘Pope-mobile’.

And George W Bush claimed he had been hit in the face by a microphone stand during a speech.

And I have to end with this.

Because this is the perfect ending....



And THAT is why they hate him.

He's not in their "club".

They don't control him.


Now, here's the latest!

I just found this video and it does the best job I've seen from any source of showing exactly how many "famous" people are in the club.

It will shock you.

And horrify you.

It's not in English, but that doesn't matter, just watch the names and faces:

Watch safely here on Rumble:

And one more.

How the Illuminati Black Eye Club, the abduction of Children for sacrificial uses and the use of Adrenochrome for nefarious purposes by the rich elite/Illuminati Satanic Order.

Watch here on Rumble:


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